hey, guys. A reminder to Sun employees:

Please do not post presentations on the website that use the Sun 
corporate slide template. We have community templates for everyone to 
use in public. And please don't post any community material marked with 
"Sun Confidential" or "Sun Proprietary" either. When we see these 
notices in slides we have to assume the information is confidential -- 
even if the information is obviously just a community preso about 
content that is totally open. This is important. Those markings have 
significance legally. In the past, we had been giving people private 
reminders to remove and/or update presos, but people simply didn't act. 
So, now we are just removing the presos from the site.

I have had text warning about this in the following pages:


Here is the actual text:
> IMPORTANT: Sun employees may NOT use Sun's internal corporate 
> presentation templates for public presentations. Use the OpenSolaris 
> presentation templates instead. Also, do NOT post to opensolaris.org 
> any documents marked with "confidential" or "proprietary" or similar 
> notices. If the information is not confidential and is appropriate for 
> the community, please remove the confidential notice before posting. 
> This is not optional. Documents marked "confidential" in any way can 
> be deleted by the site administrator without notice.


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