Wolfgang Stief wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Oct 2009 20:42:17 +0900
> Jim Grisanzio <Jim.Grisanzio at Sun.COM> wrote:
>> hey, nice. What`s in the bags? The mystery ... :)
>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/31224908 at 
>> N08/4051314018/in/set-72157622553262511/
> Since we're an open community, I just opened my bag and had my pocket
> camera nearby. So there is no more mystery:
>   http://www.flickr.com/photos/stiefkind/4052586605/in/set-72157622682453816/
> Some other of my photos I just uploaded into a Flickr set:
>   http://tr.im/osdevcon09
> The Flickr set will be updated throughout the week on a not regular
> basis. Just always when I have time and internet access and enough new
> and interesting pictures to share.

Excellent. Thanks. Looking forward to seeing all the images. :)


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