Hi Jim,

The Fribourg, Geneva, and Zurich OSUGs are all part of the CHOSUG.  They 
are listed separately because we wanted folks in those areas to know 
that people get together face-to-face there.  Same thing is true for the 
Pais Vasco OSUG except that the list they are on is the Spanish-speaking 
one.  These need to be retained so that people who are looking for a 
place people are getting together can find them.

I'll do some research on the Philippines OSUG and the Trinidad/Tobago 
one.  I believe I located them originally and asked that they be added 
for the same reason...so folks who come to opensolaris.org looking for 
OSUGs can find one if one is nearby.


Jim Grisanzio wrote:
> Jim Grisanzio wrote:
>> I updated the OSUG table today with a couple of new groups that were 
>> in my queue to create:
>> http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/Community+Group+advocacy/ug-leaders
> Regarding the six groups below, does anyone have any info on them? We 
> added them to the table a few months ago (as temporary placeholders) but 
> without links to anywhere, so I am wondering if these groups exist now 
> and have websites and/or lists or spaces on Facebook or Yahoo or Google 
> we can link to.
>    * Fribourg OSUG
>    * Geneva OSUG
>    * Pais Vasco OSUG
>    * Philippines OSUG
>    * Trinidad/Tobago OSUG
>    * Zurich OSUG
> Jim
> _______________________________________________
> osug-leaders mailing list
> osug-leaders at opensolaris.org
> http://mail.opensolaris.org/mailman/listinfo/osug-leaders

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