There is a lot of work taking place in the OpenSolaris community. In order to inform the OGB, the rest of the community, and those outside our community of all the work that's being done, the OGB seeks to collect reports from the communities, projects, and user groups that make up our community.
For the 2009-2010 period, we seek brief (presentation style, one-page would be ideal but don't force it if this doesn't fit) reports from all community groups, projects, and user groups, highlighting their achievements. We aim to combine them into a single presentation that could be used by others. If there is additional material - video or images, or full presentations, we would like to know about that too. Some templates you may wish to use are available at: Some suggested details that could be included: Communities: projects that have been newly sponsored or completed, and events or meetings that have occurred Projects: aims, new features, build number if the project has integrated User Groups: number of attendees, frequency of meetings, involvement with other groups or events Please reply directly to me (Peter Tribble). -- -Peter Tribble Vice-Chair, OpenSolaris Governing Board