Hi, I am forwarding this email to help my friend from Vladivostok to register their OSUG. I wonder why his email did not appear in the mailing list, but it did not. So, please consider this as a request from Evgeney. I am voting +1 for the registration, as Evgeney was one of the best Campus Ambassadors Sun had, and I strongly wish to support his efforts in making OpenSolaris more popular and understandable at Russian Far East.
Philip -------- Original Message -------- Subject: registration request of vvoosug Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2010 00:15:06 +1000 From: Bugrov Evgeney <flexca...@gmail.com> To: advocacy-discuss at opensolaris.org <div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">Hello, this is the request for creating new OSUG group for Russian Far East Region in Vladivostok city. 1) Full User Group title and its abbreviation name for the User Group URL - Vladivostok OpenSolaris User Group. Abbreviation name for URL: vvoosug (VVO is the airport code for Vladivostok) 2) we located in the Vladivostok, Russia, Primorsky kray. We mostly base on the campus of Far Eastern National University (http://fenu.ru/) in Vladivostok. 3) Opensolaris.org ids for initial members - "bugrov", "eqtt" . The creation of OSUG group is aimed mostly for creation OpenSolaris Community in the aria of Russia Far East. Unfortunately there is no group still here. We plan to have meetings on the most interesting and hot issues of OpenSolaris Technologies and will try to create a network for our members? easy networking. BRGRDS, Bugrov Evgeney ex-Sun Campus Ambassador </div>