Hi Everyone, 

  Here are the notes I took during the advocacy BOF at OSCON: 
  There was discussion about how it is difficult to get new 
  users because it is difficult to find mod_perl friendly 
  hosting providers.  Except full hosted server or User Mode 
  Linux which still means they have to maintain an entire 
  server. Should we maybe have a "How to be a mod_perl web 
  host provdier?" HOWTO? 

  It was suggested that we advertise via google ad words. 

  Tie the majority of our PR campaign to the release of mp2

  Randal said he would be willing to interview Ticketmaster 
  employees for a Linux Journal article. 

  News outlets to target: 
     New York Times 

  News on perl.apache.org???? It would give outside news 
  sites a way to easily find out what is happening with 
  mod_perl, but always having stale news wouldn't be good 

  It was suggested that we have a better quickstart guide 
  for new users with stub handlers, stub apache configs, 
  etc.  Maybe have a "run in place" installation for 
  people to try mod_perl. 

  Need to go after the managers and sysadmins as well as 
  the programmers.  Because each has different concerns 
  that need to be addressed. 

  Need some PR related to sites that are switching from 
  Java, PHP, etc to mod_perl.  Overture was suggested as 
  they are moving from Java to mod_perl. 

  We should focus on getting users in the door by showing 
  them the instant power of Apache::Registry as a stepping 
  stone to the full power of mod_perl. 

  We need someone to lead the PR push.  To head up and 
  coordinate the campaign.  

  Need more numbers to show people in the press releases 
  such as number of sites, book sales, etc. 

  Need to find and/or use our existing contacts to get in 
  the door at certain news organizations.  

  We should use the weight of the Perl Foundation and the 
  Apache Foundation to help us in all of these areas. 

  Get money from companies using mod_perl to help with 
  the advocacy campaign such as Ticketmaster. 

  Need to get more articles in trade magazines in general. 

   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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