On Mon, 2004-11-22 at 10:20, Stas Bekman wrote:
> For those seeking mod_perl advocacy bits. Spotted this on /.org today:
> http://www.looselycoupled.com/blog/lc00aa00074.html
> That entry mainly suggests LAMP to scale better than J2EE using a grid of 
> cheap PCs, à là Google/Amazon style.
> It links to the detailed articles:
> http://peteryared.blogspot.com/2003/09/next-language.html
> http://peteryared.blogspot.com/2003/09/application-servers-2004-big-muffin-in.html
> http://www.activegrid.com/news/pressrelease-111704.php

I'm all for picking on bloated J2EE app servers, but this is a pretty
silly article.  I'm not going to get too far into it here, but I think
I'll write something about it on my use.perl.org journal.  The main
problem with the "ActiveGrid" system this company is promoting is that
scaling web apps to multiple machines is a solved problem, at least in
terms of basic load-balancing and failover stuff.  The hard part is
shared data, which they are not addressing from what I can see.

- Perrin

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