On Mon, 2004-12-13 at 16:29 -0500, Stas Bekman wrote:
> No news is better than stale news. So I'm really -0 on starting any news 
> sections. We tried this before, it never worked.

Really?  I don't remember that.  On the old site?  Updates were kind of
difficult back then.

> The only way I can see 
> this working if someone volunteers to keep it up2date and really does the 
> work, and not for the first week.

I volunteered for this, and I will keep it going.

> perl.apache.org is really a documentation site, it's not a news site. 
> Perhaps someone could start /.org style modperl news site, in which case 
> it should be much easier to keep it alive, by just letting others post 
> stories. perl.apache.org could link to it and have RSS feed to it.

I will work on providing an RSS feed later, but I think it's important
to have news on the front page, like php.net and most others do.

- Perrin

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