My $0.0244 CND, consisting of tiny suggestions follows.

On May 23 Perrin Harkins wrote:

> With this release, it is now possible to write Apache 2 web server
> modules entirely in Perl, bringing a powerful mix of rapid development
> and high-performance to web applications.

Consider the slightly less passive variation:

With this release, writing Apache 2 web server modules entirely in Perl is
possible, bringing a powerful mix of rapid development and
high-performance to web applications.

> By exposing the Apache 2 API from Perl, mod_perl 2 offers a level of
> access and flexibility not available in other high-level web development
> solutions.

By exposing the Apache 2 API to Perl, ...

Or maybe

By accessing the Apache 2 API from Perl, ...

> Prominent new features in mod_perl 2.0 include:

Consider deleting "new" or replacing with altering to "Prominent new or
improved features..."

Some of the features, if I understand things correctly, don't seem so new,
like Apache::Test and accessing Apache configuration from Perl.

>   * New Apache::Test testing framework for automated testing
>     of server modules and applications.
>   * Easy access to Apache configuration information from Perl.


perl -MDigest::MD5 -e 'for (split( /e/ ,Digest::MD5->md5_hex(qq(JAPA)))){ 
print map chr($_), ($_*10-6,$_ * $_ +  1,10*$_,$_ + 57   ) ;last};'

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