On Fri, 23 Dec 2005 15:06:21 +0200
"A. Cihangir Baltaci" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> My Webserver is Apache/2.0.40 with Perl 5.8.0 and mod_perl-1.99_07-5
> on a RH9 box.
> A simple perl script can see everything on the server. The sys user of
> domain.com is xxx and home directory of this user is
> /home/httpd/domain.com/htdocs. I want to make a setting, that the xxx
> user can do something only in the homedirectory.
> Is there a soluion?

  This isn't really the right list for this type of question, you want
  to use the modperl@perl.apache.org list for this. 

  But the short answer, if I'm understanding your question correctly,
  is yes and no.  No in that there isn't any magic jailing code you
  can include, but yes in the fact that if the user's perl script
  is running as their user then while they may be able to SEE many
  files they can't do anything with them due to the unix file

   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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