Quoting Geoffrey Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

hi all :)

perl's (and mod_perl's) presence at apachecon has been dwindling over
the years.  I won't get into a rant about why this might be, so please
don't you do it either :)

(I'm CC'ing this to advocacy, in case anyone else is interested)

I'm interested in hearing the rant (and any associated rants), and especially interested in hearing ideas about what could be done to fix, or at least adapt to the situation. I was thinking about this a little bit this morning after seeing a post on perlbuzz about how the perl track at OSCON actually has twice as many talks as it did the year before (though it's still a far cry from it's TPC days).

I've been to two apachecon's (vegas and austin) but last year the content in atlanta was underwhelming to me. I instead chose to go to the pittsburgh perl workshop, which though it didn't have much (or even any) truly mod_perl content, the general perl content was good, and the conference was dirt cheap (70USD IIRC).

I recently did a little bit of research for Richard Dice on perl conferences and i was somewhat shocked to find out what they've got going on in Europe. They have upwards of 8 workshop style events, many of which are multiple days all over Europe. In addition to YAPC::EU.

I wonder if there would be enough interest in a workshop style event that was focused on mod_perl, or perl and websites to make it worth while. I wonder why people don't go to ApacheCon, or don't submit sessions to ApacheCon (which both seem to go hand in hand). If ApacheCon isn't serving the needs of the mod_perl community effectively, then maybe (if there's interest) the community should start serving itself.


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