Gregoire Hostettler wrote:
Seriousely considering making my customer change his mind and revert to
plain old C++
Looks like Perl is not able to handle trivial data structure like an array
of records (or hashes).


1) Your code *shows* you're a C/C++ programmer; it will take some time to be proficient in Perl, if you want to.

2) The comment at line 29 is impolite and unnecessary.

3) It's easy to add a new item to an array of hashes (you must fix it in line 60):

        push @array, \%hash;

4) Use Data::Dumper to check your data structure:

        use Data::Dumper;
        print Dumper @table;

5) It's easier to iterate over an array of hashes using foreach:

        foreach my $hashref (@table) {
          # do something with $hashref or %{$hashref}



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