I noticed the W3C site is peppered with Perl doing leading edge work.

XML is such a hot topic, and it occurred to me that it could be applied to
code as well as any other information.

Does anybody know if an XML IDE exists already or if someone is working on
If not it might be another coup for the perl community.

I know little of xml, but from a users perspective I'm imagining that a
structure could enable all sorts of development tasks to be streamlined:

Each script in such an IDE would be an xml document.

This could be stripped to the bone for execution as .pl
or not.

It could allow comment trees with varying levels/areas of detail,
and allow easier comment translation eg. English to French.

Version control information (easier CVS conflict resolution?).

A schema for each version of Perl could define what is acceptable syntax.

The Parrot project might find it useful too.

And of course why stop there when C++ et al are waiting in the wings.

Programming language translator is just too scary for my brain though.

All of these areas have been addressed already, so maybe there is no
in trying to use xml, or maybe it paves the way for improvements no one has
thought up yet...

Happy Holidays,
Tom Cowap
Dublin, Ireland

If it turns out that all we call reality is just like a computer simulation,
it's comforting to know that whoever is running it doesn't know if they are
'real' or just in a simulation too.
Especially if that thought is one motivation to allow life after death.
Three cheers for the simulator(s)! I always believed, ask anyone.

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