Hi all!

I recently revamped the look of Perl-Begin:


It is based on an OSWD template: http://www.oswd.org/design/preview/id/2933 . 
I think it looks much more attractive and Web 2.0 now.

Note that it isn't displayed correctly in MSIE 6.0, which is a known problem, 
and hopefully can be resolved somehow. Of course, if you're still using MSIE 
6.0 you should see:


Here are some things:

1. I've started revamping the content based on the excellent advice in:


Among else I:

1.a) have a nice image. (The flowers on the top).

1.b) On the front page, have a call for action ("Work with Perl for a living! 
Learn More..").

1.c) Want to get some testimonials. Can you give them? They should be phrased 
in first person ("We"). I know Perl is extensively used by Amazon.com, Six 
Apart (Live Journal, Movable Type, and Typepad), by VMware (many of the 
applications in VMware ESX are written in Perl), by Microsoft (part of the 
build system), and by many others. 

I think I'll make a list of testimonials put them in JSON format, and display 
a random one every time a page is loaded. But first I need to have them.

1.d) I should get a "What's in it for me."


2. I've added the following paragraphs:

On http://perl-begin.berlios.de/ :

Hype? We don't need no stinkin' hype!

Perl was probably never hyped. While many people said they liked Perl or that 
it superior to other languages in some respects, it became popular by its 
qualities, and being the right tool for the right job at the right time. On 
the contrary there's a lot of Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) flames about 

But we don't want any hype, and we don't mind the FUD. Perl is great, we like 
it, and it's often the right tool for the job. So if you want to learn Perl, 
welcome aboard!

I think I'll move it below.

In http://perl-begin.berlios.de/learn/get-a-job/ I added the following:

Get a Job Doing Perl

"When some people are confonted with a programming problem, they say to 
themselves, "I know, I'll use Perl!" Now they have two problems. (with 
apologies to Jamie Zawinski 

 This slight mis-quote, illustrates a point - Perl penetrates bottom-up. A 
programmer comes to a company, he knows Perl and uses it to write his 
scripts. When given a task to write an application for which Perl is good, he 
quickly use Perl to write it quickly. The management is impressed. And next 
thing you know, there is a lot of Perl code in the organization that needs to 
be maintained, and more employees are trained in Perl, and start to like it, 
and the company needs more Perl programmers to replace the ones that moved 
elsewhere, or to develop more rapidly. 

 As a result Perl has become very popular. Not only that but a lot of open 
source code was written in it and was made available online. It is used by 
such very large, very busy, sites as Amazon.com, Slashdot and Live Journal 
and by countless of smaller sites. Furthermore, it often plays a large part 
behind the scenes. 

We need you!

Get a job.

There are plenty of jobs there looking for good Perl developers. You can find 
them in: 
Many other sites 

Learn Perl

Are you already a programmer, and now needs to learn Perl? Do you have little 
or any programming experience and want to start programming with Perl? 
Welcome aboard! 

Perl is an easy language to get up to speed with, and the more you learn about 
it the more you discover, and the more your expressive power grows. 
Furthermore, its richness, psychology, power and availability make it 
excellent for beginning programmers. 

To learn Perl see our list of online tutorials or buy a book. Then browse the 
rest of the site.

I've bolded the appropriate keywords.

Anyway, I'll appreciate any comments. I'm still working on it.


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage:        http://www.shlomifish.org/

If it's not in my E-mail it doesn't happen. And if my E-mail is saying
one thing, and everything else says something else - E-mail will conquer.
    -- An Israeli Linuxer

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