Quoting the Free On Line Dictionary:

"trend - a general direction in which something tends to move;"

Define the "something" and the area of movement and then you will be talking business.

Is there a trend of developers moving to Ruby and Python? Sure. Is there a trend of developers that contribute to CPAN, as CPAN is expanding? Sure there is. And it can be easily quantified with numbers.

So, the question is which trend should one pay attention to characterize a language as trendy, or buzzy, or whatever. Depends who you talk to. As other folks pointed out, go to an OS developer and ask whether C and C++ is trendy (and then you might elaborate whether you have seen many usable OSes written at their very core in another language). Shall I remind of other OS debates (monolithic kernel versus micro kernels) to have fun, and remind what was (is?) trendy and usable?

Then I paused to read Steve Yegge's rant. I am not sure I would pay attention to something that someone writes for fun between glasses of wine. When I drink wine I become less hostile (obviously wine has different effects on different folks, or Steve was confusing wine with Red Bull or other equivalent ) and I have better (in my view) things to do. I would agree that designing a language is very hard. I would also agree that Perl could have better OO semantics. I don't agree with his view of references and the building of nested data structures. Views that Perl is a human centric invention at its core are also wrong, don't particularly care to discuss it here and now. I agree that depending on the task you have ahead of you, you should pick the right tool.

Going back to the idea of being trendy...If I am a sysadmin and I need to push an update ro 1000 machines and check dependencies my own way or block an SSH probe looking at 1000 logs, I still do not see why I should use Python or Ruby. I am not saying you can't do that with Python or Ruby, but I can't see the point. Especially with CPAN's wealth and the fact that my time is valuable to re-invent things.

If I am a bioinformatician, what's the relative amount of development traffic and modules written in the BioPerl community relative to that of BioPython and BioJava? Why Perl is still one of the best choices to bang prototype systems to crunch biological sequences or even base entire high profile projects in the area? Examples, well, have a look at project ENSEMBL http://www.ensembl.org/index.html and other Perlisms of the bioinformatics area?

If I had to do number crunching (core functionality) on a commodity cluster, none of our "trendy" languages would be able to help, as C/C++ and some specific libraries (PVM/MPI) and other Domain Specific Languages excel there and shape the trend.

The things that work under the cover are not always trendy. Trends vary in different fields.

(I use Java for GUIs and client side, Perl for core text processing and system automation, C++/C for HPC number crunching on a daily to daily basis. I would not necessarily interchange roles).


Shlomi Fish wrote:
Hi all!

There is an interesting discussion about Perl here:


Quoting it:

For some reasons there are lots of buzz about Ruby, Javascript, Python but not too much about Perl. Why is that? What makes Perl less trendy than those languages?

As some people note, Perl is not as new as these languages are, and so has become less trendy and more "well-established". There are other comments too.


        Shlomi Fish
Shlomi Fish      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage:        http://www.shlomifish.org/

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