I have put together a condensed Perl training class (in powerpoint)
based on examples from our own Perl programs, focussing on differences
between Perl and other common languages, cautioning of potential
confusions to avoid, and highlighting certain key Perl Best Practices,
my favorites from the book.

Since it focusses on language differences, it would be suitable for
training Perl as a second language.  Unfortunately, the examples (mostly
written by someone else before me) mostly consist of SQL queries and
simplistic, brute-force web page generation.  

Unfortunately because these examples are Boeing-proprietary, I doubt I'd
get permission to share the presentation; but I'll try.

Also, it needs some updating, and I have yet to present it to anyone.

(Let me take this opportunity to vent a little.  I understand the need
to be secure and careful, but it frustrates me to be limited to the CPAN
subset approved and provided by my company, Boeing.  Anyone else
encumbered under similar limitations?)

For this presentation, I developed and used a Visual Design for easier
comprehension and quick language familiarization, with the following

Tables of Language Features

Four graphical icons indicating
* PerlDiff  for Perl Different from other languages
* Caution
* PerlFun
* BEST    for Best Practice

Color-coded Perl source, mostly from Eclipse's Perl plugin editor

Animated annotations in color-coded text boxes: 
* light grey   for annotations, descriptions, explanations.
* light green for reference material,
* light yellow for Cautions, (some) source code, Best Practices, quotes,
* light blue   for some important points or opinions
* light orange for some source code snippets
(This color-coding is not strictly consistent.)
Animation most used was Entrance, Wipe, From Top.

With many annotations, animated the entrance of corresponding arrows and
boxes tying each  note to the code it describes.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gabor Szabo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 9:47 AM
To: advocacy@perl.org
Subject: Perl as a second language

if we are already talking advocacy, I'd appreciate your help here.

I am trying to put together a one day long training for Java/C*/etc...
programmers to learn Perl as a second language.

I don't want to convert them to use Perl instead of their primary
This is a decision that need to be made on a higher level in the
corporate ladder. It might not even be a good idea.

What I would like to teach them is to start using Perl as a helper tool
to automate some of their tasks. For this I need some cool examples of
how Perl can be used to help them.

The problem, that besides the standard system related stuff (eg. log
parsing) I don't know what else these people might need.

So I would really like to hear what does a Java/C*/etc..programmer with
several years of experience need to do to improve his working conditions
that he would be better off doing with Perl after just 1 day of

I already asked more or less the same question on Perlmonks
but the responses were lacking extensive examples I can build on.

Your input is appreciated.


Gabor Szabo
Perl Training in Israel  http://www.pti.co.il/

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