>>>>> "JB" == Jim Brandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  JB> Although your question is specifically about SOC, that page seems to be
  JB> a list of organizations Google "takes part in." I'm not exactly sure
  JB> what they mean by that, but Google has been a sponsor for several Perl
  JB> Foundation events including YAPCs and workshops, so they do support us.

  JB> WRT SOC, I agree that we need to politely ask again. :)

our history with SOC has been very spotty and TPF is not on google's
good side of that these days. i wonder if even asking nicely will do
it. i tried to find out what was going on at oscon 2 years ago and it
seems we had burned our bridges a bit. not much has been done since then
AFAIK to repair them. it would be a good thing if we can mend them.


Uri Guttman  ------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -------- http://www.stemsystems.com
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