On Sunday 23 December 2007, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 23, 2007 at 11:39:06AM +0200, Gabor Szabo wrote:
> > http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/article.php/3718191
> >
> > Can the Perl community learn somthing form them?
> Firefox the browser took off in a way that Mozilla the browser never did?

Yes. Firefox now has about 16% of the browser market, while Mozilla never had 
more than 5%. 

> What changed with Firefox?

I can think of several things:

1. Firefox was trimmed down and a lot of extraenous functionality was moved to 
plugins. This made it easier to learn and use.

2. The plugins mechanism was enhanced to easily allow removing plugins, which 
I don't recall was possible in SeaMonkey.

3. The profiles dialog at startup was eliminated. Profiles are very useful for 
the power user (see 
http://allium.zgp.org/pipermail/linux-elitists/2007-November/012370.html ), 
but would confuse and annoy a great deal of users.

4. The homepage of Firefox was redesigned to make it easier to use and more 

5. The spreadfirefox campaign ( http://www.spreadfirefox.com/ ) did several 
activities to help promote and publicise Firefox.

6. More compatibility was added with MSIE, and they made it easier to import 
your settings from it.

> Also, how much advertising revenue do they get from Google and the like?

Quite a lot. A few tens of millions dollars.

> And how do they spend it? 

From what I know, they spend very little of it, at present. They are still 
looking for ways to spend it properly, and sorting out the legal details. 
Meanwhile, the money is just accumulating. :-)

> And does that help explain their success? 

I don't think it does. The success of Firefox started shortly after the 
departure from AOL, when Mozilla was not sponsored by Google. Most of the 
rise of Firefox happened in a short time frame, when the Mozilla Foundation 
recevied only a fraction of the advertising revenue they got from Google. And 
the spreadfirefox campaign was from what I know, sponsored and done by 
volunteers, who even pooled the money to sponsor a 250K USD (AFAIR) ad in the 
New York Times.


        Shlomi Fish (who has placed Firefox buttons on several of his sites, 
and who 
maintains an anti-MSIE page - http://www.shlomifish.org/no-ie/ ).

Shlomi Fish      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage:        http://www.shlomifish.org/

I'm not an actor - I just play one on T.V.

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