On May 11, 2009, at 6:37 PM, David Golden wrote:

I don't object to you being busy -- it happens to all of us -- but
blaming others for not trying hard enough is absurd.

You probably aren't in the middle of a trans-con move, starting a new job, etc in addition to the baby. I mean, sure, why shouldn't I have spent what precious little time I had to myself scanning all the perl mailing lists for people suddenly taking an interest in stuff I did years ago? That's what my husband is for. I'm getting old and in a community as generally thankless as this one is, you'll have to try a little harder at guilting me over really being too busy at the time to have noticed.

My name was mentioned and my husband is also pretty easy to find. Again, people just tend to complain as it's easier than focusing on the solution. If someone wants the data, I've offered the tables. If you have a better site, it can be hosted where the old one is or I'm sure we reassign the DNS. It's really not worth looking at my date book for how I spent my time in early 2007.


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