Hi Elaine,

I'm not sure "looking for a job" carries quite the same old stigma as lepers 
of yore, so much as "looking for a job WHEN OUT OF WORK".  It's that old 
catch-22 again.

The next most leper-like stage is probably the "leaving soon" state, regardles 
of whether going to a new job or not.  There's a nice Dilbert cartoon about 
that somewhere, where people stop talking, to the soon-to-leave-group-member.  
I think they EVEN stop lending him their paper stapler!  It'd be funny if it 
wasn't so true.  People can be such sheep!

Richard Foley
Ciao - shorter than aufwiedersehen


On Saturday 21 August 2010 00:47:28 Elaine Ashton wrote:
> On Aug 20, 2010, at 4:06 PM, brian d foy wrote:
> > Gabor's basically right though: it's nice to have a list of people
> > looking for contracts. I tend to find, however, that the people you'd
> > most like to hire aren't ever looking because they have quite the queue
> > already. :)
> SAGE (the sysadmin guild) has a section of their members site for both job
> postings and for those looking for jobs which is nice not only to see
> what's out there in terms of jobs, e.g. SAG is currently looking for a
> sysadmin to the stars in LA :), and other folks' CVs even if you're not
> currently looking for work.
> Those for whom work seeks them are fewer in this economy, especially since
> I've noticed a trend in the SA market of jobs demanding a much wider range
> of skills and for a bit less money. I'm sure it's not much different in
> other areas of IT including programmers. Looking for a job may still carry
> some stigma similar to lepers of yore but, judging by the news lately,
> they're in good and growing company and it wouldn't be a bad idea to give
> those with specific skills a place to market those skills (and available
> jobs).
> e.

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