is a site for Perl Beginners, that aims to collect the
Internet's best resources for learning Perl. Here are the major changes to it
since the last update:

1. The book [Modern Perl]( is now
recommended, and [a local copy](
of it, under the CC-by-nc-sa licence is available on Perl-Begin, thanks to

2. We added [a Page]( with links to
**exercises and challenges**.

3. There's a new topical page about [Modules and

4. [A page about using Perl for writing Chat robots and
scripts]( (IRC, Jabber, etc.) has
been added. We also added [a page about developing games with

5. More non-recommended Perl elements have been added to [“Perl Elements to
Avoid” page](

6. [The web-development with Perl page]( was
enhanced with new frameworks and information.

7. Added [a list of GUI
debuggers]( to the IDEs and
tools page.

8. We're now mirroring the now offline [“Life with CPAN” by Jeremy

9. A page about the [differences between “Perl”, “perl” and
“PERL”]( was added. It was
inspired by [a similar page]( on the
Israeli Perl Mongers site.

10. Many anchors were added to the pages using id= attributes.

11. We're now maintaining the sources of the Perl Beginners' Site in [a repository]( and there are
instructions for contributing in the link.


If you have any input to give regarding , or can help
with its ongoing maintenance, we'd be happy to hear from you. Perl-Begin is
mostly available under the Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC-by) with
parts that are Public Domain, GFDL, and CC-by-nc-sa, and is maintained in a
public repository.


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish
Optimising Code for Speed -

“My name is Inigo Montoya. You forced my father to write XSLT. Prepare to die!
And be thankful I don’t force you to write XSLT.”

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