Thanks for your quick reply. I have already gone through these filters
but none of these are answering my query. From the Adwords console I
can filter on various columns like impression, click, CTR, Avg CPC etc
and I can set like "CTR is greater than SOME VALUE". But I could not
find any such thing through API call.
Anyway thank you again for your help. I will continue searching for
that, in the mean time if you can find something like this please let
me know.


On Oct 14, 4:22 pm, Christian Krahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> in the code example of the page there are several filters included.
> Unfortunately i was not able to find a compiled list of possibles
> filters available in the API. Here's the part of the example i was
> referring to:
>         <crossClient>true</crossClient>
>         <endDay>2007-10-03</endDay>
>         <startDay>2007-10-03</startDay>
>         <adGroupStatuses>Enabled</adGroupStatuses>
>         <adWordsType>ContentOnly</adWordsType>
>         <campaignStatuses>Active</campaignStatuses>
>         <campaignStatuses>Deleted</campaignStatuses>
>         <includeZeroImpression>true</includeZeroImpression>
>         <keywordStatuses>Active</keywordStatuses>
>         <keywordType>Broad</keywordType>
> Regards,
> Christian
> On 14 Okt., 13:15, dyuti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Christian,
> > Thanks for your reply. I searched the page you sent to me before, but
> > could not find the way to putfilter. It says anyreportwhich I can
> > generate through Adwords console , can be generated through API call
> > also. Also it says that I can choosereporttype, aggregation type and
> > select columns, but it does not say where I can put thefilterlike to
> > exclude zero clicked keywords.
> > I am sorry if I missed something from there, but it will be very
> > helpful if you can show me some way.
> > Thanks & regards
> > - Dyutiman
> > On Oct 13, 6:47 pm, Christian Krahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi Dyutiman,
> > > there is an example for that in the AdWords API 
> > > documentation:http://code.google.com/apis/adwords/docs/developer/adwords_api_report...
> > > Regards,
> > > Christian
> > > On 13 Okt., 13:29, dyuti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > I can generate areportfrom Google Adword console to getkeyword
> > > > level data which does not include zero clicks keywords. I can use
> > > >filterto get thereport.
> > > > Is there any way I can generate thereportthrough API. Can I use
> > > >filterthrough API as I use in the console?
> > > > Please help.
> > > > Thanks
> > > > - Dyutiman
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