My guess would be that it replaces the field but gets a new name so it
won't interfere with existing applications.


On 16 Okt., 11:33, brandon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> Will the First Page Bid information be a new field labeled
> FirstPageBid (as 
> in
> or will it be replacing the Min Bid field?
> If it isn't replacing the Min Bid field, then what will the min bid be
> returning? Again in the above post it mentions:
> "In the meantime, AdWords Editor and the AdWords API will continue to
> show a minimum bid field. However, the information shown in this field
> will be based on the new per-query Quality Score."
> What will this "new per-query Quality Score" look like? Will it be a
> numerical field?
> Kind Regards,
> Brandon
> On Aug 25, 4:45 pm, AdWords API Advisor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Hello Tim,
> >  Firstoff, for those who missed the post announcing the upcoming
> > changes to quality scores, here's the information from the Inside
> > AdWords blog:
> >
> >  As mentioned in the blog post (so I'm not as constrained when it
> > comes to talking about it here), the AdWords API v12's current
> > behavior won't be changing-you'll still get the same information back
> > about minimum CPC in both normal AdWords API calls and in reports
> > scheduled via the AdWords API. The intention is to 
> > exposefirst-pagebidinformation in an upcoming release of the AdWords API as 
> > a
> > replacement for the currently exposed minimum CPC. So you should
> > expect that the same places minimum CPC is returned (i.e. some AdWords
> > API object and reports) you'll be able to retrievefirst-pagebid
> > information instead.
> >  I'm unfortunately not sure about whether there will be corresponding
> > changes to the smallest amount you'll be able tobidper click. As you
> > might have expected, I'd suggest asking about that in the general
> > AdWords Google Group and see if there's anyone in the know who's able
> > to answer that question.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > -Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team
> > On Aug 24, 9:32 am, timprepscius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > If this has been addressed previously, please just point me to the
> > > right post.
> > > Can you give us some prediction on the implementation of thefirst
> > >pagebidwithin the adwords api?
> > > Will this item be available within the keyword reports?
> > > Will there still a minimum_bid cut off?  Or will we essentially be
> > > able tobid$0.01 on anything we want to and perhaps have some
> > > placement?
> > > Thanks,
> > > -tim
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