Things seem to work fine in the Production environment, thank you.

On Nov 3, 12:41 pm, AdWords API Advisor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello,
>  If you're going against the Sandbox environment, you're not going to
> get meaningful results from the TrafficEstimatorService. The Sandbox
> is meant to test basic functionality of your code, not to retrieve
> actual data. You'd need to go against the Production AdWords API for
> that.
>  For what it's worth, when I run checkKeywordTraffic on "dgosdle45ds"
> in the Production environment, I get a result of "VeryLowTraffic" as
> one would expect.
> Cheers,
> -Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team
> On Nov 2, 5:17 am, Archi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am attempting to run some of the code samples but not getting the
> > meaningful responses. For example, check_keyword_traffic.php (found
> > here:
> > returns this:
> > Estimate for keyword "mars cruise" is "HasTraffic".
> > If I change the keyword to check to 'dgosdle45ds' the return is:
> > Estimate for keyword "dgosdle45ds" is "HasTraffic".
> > It seems the estimate is "HasTraffic" regardless of the keyword. The
> > specific change made to the sample in this case was:
> > # Create keyword structure.
> > $keyword =
> >   '<keywordText>dgosdle45ds</keywordText>' .
> >   '<keywordType>Exact</keywordType>' .
> >   '<language>en</language>';
> > An issue in general with all of the PHP sample code is the suggested
> > format of the login information. The code provided is:
> > # Provide AdWords login information.
> > $password = 'INSERT_PASSWORD_HERE';
> > $client_email = 'INSERT_CLIENT_LOGIN_EMAIL_HERE';
> > $useragent = 'INSERT_COMPANY_NAME: AdWords API PHP Sample Code';
> > $developer_token = 'INSERT_DEVELOPER_TOKEN_HERE';
> > $application_token = 'INSERT_APPLICATION_TOKEN_HERE';
> > However, because the samples use the sandbox, as indicated by this
> > string:
> > $namespace = '';
> > The format must be as suggested by Jeff Watson earlier in this post:
> > $email = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; // My Client Center login email
> > $password = 'xxx';  // My Client Center login password
> > $client_email =
> >  // the login email of
> > one of the clients being managed in My Client Center
> > $useragent = 'AdWords API PHP Sample Code';
> > $developer_token = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
> > $application_token = 'myapptoken';
> > This allows my edited samples to run without error, but so far seems
> > to return no data for any of the five different samples I've run. I
> > turned debug on which returns:
> > POST /api/adwords/v12/TrafficEstimatorService HTTP/1.0 Host:
> > User-Agent: NuSOAP/0.7.3 (1.114) Content-Type: text/
> > xml; charset=ISO-8859-1 SOAPAction: "" Content-Length: 834
> > my_client_center_login_emailmy_client_center_passwordAdWords API PHP
> > Sample Codemy_client_center_login_email+
> > +USDmy_client_center_app_tokendgosdle45dsExactenHTTP/1.1 200 OK
> > Content-Type: text/xml; charset=iso-8859-1 Transfer-Encoding: chunked
> > Date: Sun, 02 Nov 2008 10:13:32 GMT X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
> > Expires: Sun, 02 Nov 2008 10:13:32 GMT Cache-Control: private, max-
> > age=0 Server: GFE/1.3   94  1  1  6f0e8b7ce4780f3dfc79a56045bf7ad8
> > I'm not sure how to trouble shoot this.
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