hi,i want to use some Adwords api.
and i have got developer_token and application_token,
i use the demo of get_keyword_variations.php .

But it returns "List of additional keywords to consider has 0
(s). List of popular queries with given seed has 0 variation(s).",
it shows maybe the method of getKeywordVariations not work rightly.

i don't want to use APIlity,just to debug this.tks.

The code of get_keyword_variations.php is below and

i have replace the email and others using myown information
and i can provide the right information about the email and password
if necessary.

# Provide AdWords login information.
$useragent = 'INSERT_COMPANY_NAME: AdWords API PHP Sample Code';
$developer_token = 'INSERT_DEVELOPER_TOKEN_HERE';
$application_token = 'INSERT_APPLICATION_TOKEN_HERE';

# Define SOAP headers.
$headers =
  '<email>' . $email . '</email>'.
  '<password>' . $password . '</password>' .
  '<clientEmail>' . $client_email . '</clientEmail>' .
  '<useragent>' . $useragent . '</useragent>' .
  '<developerToken>' . $developer_token . '</developerToken>' .
  '<applicationToken>' . $application_token . '</applicationToken>';

# Set up service connection. To view XML request/response, change
value of
# $debug to 1. To send requests to production environment, replace
# "sandbox.google.com" with "adwords.google.com".
$namespace = 'https://adwords.google.cn/api/adwords/v12';
$keyword_tool_service = SoapClientFactory::GetClient(
  $namespace . '/KeywordToolService?wsdl', 'wsdl');
$debug = 1;

# Create seed keyword structure.
$seed_keyword =
  '<negative>false</negative>' .
  '<text>tea</text>' .
$use_synonyms = '<useSynonyms>true</useSynonyms>';

# Get keyword variations.
$request_xml =
  '<getKeywordVariations>' .
  '<seedKeywords>' . $seed_keyword . '</seedKeywords>' .
  $use_synonyms .
  '<languages>en</languages>' .
  '<countries>US</countries>' .
$variation_lists =
  $keyword_tool_service->call('getKeywordVariations', $request_xml);
$variation_lists = $variation_lists['getKeywordVariationsReturn'];
if ($debug) show_xml($keyword_tool_service);
if ($keyword_tool_service->fault) show_fault($keyword_tool_service);

# Display keyword variations.
$to_consider = $variation_lists['additionalToConsider'];
echo 'List of additional keywords to consider has ' . count
($to_consider) .
  ' variation(s).' . "\n";

$more_specific = $variation_lists['moreSpecific'];
echo 'List of popular queries with given seed has ' . count
($more_specific) .
  ' variation(s).' . "\n";

helping me.

Waiting for your response.


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