Hi Jeff,

any information about the AccountService being available in v2009?

- Christian

On May 18, 11:04 pm, AdWords API Advisor
<adwordsapiadvi...@google.com> wrote:
> Hello Weston,
>  As per our announcement blog post linked to above, "We plan to launch
> the core functionality of API v2009 on our production servers in about
> 2 months, with the remaining functionality needed for AdWords parity
> released over the following 3 months." "Core functionality" refers to
> what's currently available in the v2009 Sandbox. The "remaining
> functionality" includes services like the equivalent of the
> KeywordToolService. Those timelines are as specific as I could get
> right now.
> Cheers,
> -Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team
> On May 18, 1:38 pm, Weston Weems <wwe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Wow.
> > Seems like about the worst way you could migrate libraries, trying to
> > roll out a new version and telling people to intermingle calls to the
> > old api with the new.
> > Any ball park idea of when Keyword tool will make it into the 2009
> > api? After the 2009 api goes live?
> > Weston
> > On May 14, 3:24 pm, AdWords API Advisor <adwordsapiadvi...@google.com>
> > wrote:
> > > Hello Weston,
> > >  Hopefully the client libraries, which we released today, will
> > > simplify things a bit for you:
> > >  http://adwordsapi.blogspot.com/2009/05/client-library-updates-part-1....
> > >  To answer your specific questions, v200902 is only live in the shared
> > > Sandbox environment right now. It can't be used to access the
> > > Production environment.
> > >  As mentioned in the announcement blog post
> > >  http://adwordsapi.blogspot.com/2009/04/hello-all-as-we-mentioned-in-o...
> > > there are a number of v13 services that are not yet implemented in
> > > v200902. The KeywordToolService is one of those. We expect that there
> > > will be a period of time in which developers needs to mix and match
> > > v13 and v200902, for instance by using v200902's AdGroupCriterion
> > > service and v13's KeywordToolService. The client libraries were
> > > designed with this in mind, though again, you won't be doing this
> > > until v200902 is available in Production.
> > >  There's not a great deal of variety or expressiveness in the SOAP
> > > faults you get back from v200902 at the moment. I expect that will
> > > change before the Production release. I'm not 100% sure on the .NET
> > > types, but yes, you should do the equivalent of catching a generic
> > > SoapException object if you're writing v200902 code for the time
> > > being.
> > > Cheers,
> > > -Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team
> > > On May 14, 11:17 am, Weston Weems <wwe...@gmail.com> wrote:> Ok,
> > > > If it was April 1st, I think I'd have my answer... but its not, so I
> > > > dont =)
> > > > Right now our little communication layer is set up for v13, and I want
> > > > to start evaluating v200902 for use, but its a major major change. Has
> > > > anyone delved into this yet? I've got a questions...
> > > > 1) Is this thing live? Eg, if I wanted to migrate everything to it
> > > > today, could I do so? Or is this just a testing environment with
> > > > actual deployment to come.
> > > > 2) Ehh, where did keyword service go?
> > > > 3) Error handling, should I catch soap exceptions in c# with a try{}
> > > > catch(SoapException se), or will we have better error handling
> > > > mechanisms?

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