
While I try to retrieve data via api call I am facing problem here are
the details
What I am doing is try to retrieve data using loop using php scripting
language in steps
1st Step:- I get the clientEmail Address
2nd Step :- I get the adgroup  Id
3rd Step:- on behalf of clientEmail and AdGroupId I retrieve adsId
4th Step:- on behalf of clientEmail , AdGroupId and  adsId I try to
retrieve ad’s Stats

When the loop runs I get the first cycle result but after that I am
unable to retrieve any data from Google Api below is the code I am

            while($adsRow = mysql_fetch_object($adsResult))
                $adApiId = $adsRow->apiId;
                $adIds = $adIds."<adIds>".$adApiId."</adIds>";

          $request_xml =
                        '<getAdStats>' .
                        '<adGroupId>' . $adGroupId . '</adGroupId>'.
$this->adIds .
                        '<startDay>' . $this->startDay . '</
startDay>' .
                        '<endDay>' . $this->endDay . '</endDay>' .
            $adsStats = $ad_service->call('getAdStats', $request_xml);
            $adsStats = $adsStats['getAdStatsReturn'];

Please someone guide me what is the thing I have done wrong

Also here is the Message when i enable debug = 1

i have hide the email's and password

POST /api/adwords/v13/AdService HTTP/1.0 Host: adwords.google.com User-
Agent: NuSOAP/0.7.3 (1.114) Content-Type: text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1
SOAPAction: "" Content-Length: 834
1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml; charset=iso-8859-1 Date: Wed, 09
Sep 2009 07:20:23 GMT Expires: Wed, 09 Sep 2009 07:20:23 GMT Cache-
Control: private, max-age=0 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff Content-
Length: 1770 Server: GFE/2.0   886  2  2
6c196be40a79da5b26b0ef942df63d8b      0.0  0  0.0  0  0  3674491251
0    0.0  0  0.0  0  0  3674460471  0

Best Regards
Ajaz Muhammad Khan
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