
Unfortunately there is no definitive list of ad types at this time.
I'll reach out to my colleagues to see if I can get a list of these
values.  In the meantime I would recommend comparing returned values
in the report XML to the displayed values of the same report in the
AdWords web interface.  This should give you more information about
the meaning behind these values.

- Eric

On Oct 5, 5:56 am, Zweitze <zwei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks, I hope you'll post the results here.
> On a side note, I'm having troubles with all these new ad types. The
> software retrieves all info from a creative report, looking at column
> 'creativetype'.
> Some values are trivial, for instance 'text', 'image', 'mobile' and
> 'video'.
> But value 'richMediaAd' means that the ad is either a Gadget Ad or a
> Third Party Ads - how does one find out? (For example, see my opening
> post)
> Would 'geo' be a Local Business Ad?
> And what ad type is 'gadgetTemplate'?
> Note that my software must communicate to end users about the ad.
> Nowadays I report just the value of column creativetype, but names
> like 'richMediaAd' and 'geo' make no sense to them. Essentially I'm
> looking for a rather complete table of ad type descriptions.
> Thanks in advance.
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