I am using dot net lib 4.1.0 and v200906 of API. I've just started
using this so getting used to it all. I've setup a test in order to
retrieve keywords using the AdGroupCriterionService. However, i do not
get any data back in the response object (totalentries=0 and
entries=nothing). My vb.net code is:

 Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim google As New GoogleData()
        'create request header
        Dim header As Dictionary(Of String, String)

           'get Header
            header = google.GetReportServiceHeaderLive() 'see method
extract at end of this method

        Dim user As New AdWordsUser(header)

        'get service
        Dim critSvc As AdGroupCriterionService = DirectCast

        Dim critSelector As New AdGroupCriterionSelector()
        Dim filters As New List(Of AdGroupCriterionIdFilter)

        'set filters - ad group id
        Dim AdGrpIdFilter As New AdGroupCriterionIdFilter()
        AdGrpIdFilter.adGroupId = CLng(DropDownList2.SelectedValue)
'Ad group id from drop down list of adgroups set here
        AdGrpIdFilter.adGroupIdSpecified = True

        'set get AdGroupCriterionSelector params
        critSelector.criterionUseSpecified = True
        critSelector.criterionUse = CriterionUse.BIDDABLE
        critSelector.userStatuses = New UserStatus()
{UserStatus.ACTIVE, UserStatus.PAUSED, UserStatus.DELETED}
        critSelector.idFilters = filters.ToArray()

        'get data
        Dim cResult As AdGroupCriterionPage = critSvc.get
(critSelector)        'TODO: not returing any data!

        'bind to gridview
        GridView1.DataSource = cResult.entries

    End Sub


Extract of method from GoogleData.vb class to get header used in above

 Public Function GetReportServiceHeaderLive() As Dictionary(Of String,
            Dim header As New Dictionary(Of String, String)

           'clientemail or clientid not specified and ussing mcc
account login

            header("email") = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings
            header("password") = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings
            header("useragent") = "AWAPI DotNetLib " +
DataUtilities.GetVersion() + " - " +  _
            header("developerToken") = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings
            header("applicationToken") =

            Return header
        End Function

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