Hi Francesco,

This looks like it may be an issue with the .NET client library.
Please open a bug on the issue tracker for that library:

- Eric

On Oct 30, 5:45 am, phatzimo <francescosimones...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is the code that I'm using to make the call. You will not see any
> specific XML handling code because I'm using WCF and it hides all the
> SOAP/XML logic.
> string auth = GetAuthToken(email, password);
>             SoapHeader header = new SoapHeader();
>             header.authToken = auth;
>             header.clientEmail = clientEmail;
>             header.developerToken = developerToken;
>             header.applicationToken = applicationToken;
>             header.userAgent = useragent;
>             List<SearchParameter> parameters = new
> List<SearchParameter>();
>             RelatedToKeywordSearchParameter relatedSearchParameter =
> new RelatedToKeywordSearchParameter()
> {
> keywords =
> keywords.Select(x => new Keyword()
> {
> text = x,
> matchType
> =
> matchType
>                             }).ToArray
> ()
>                                                                          };
>             parameters.Add(relatedSearchParameter);
>             if(includeAdultContent)
>             {
>                 IncludeAdultContentSearchParameter
> adultContentSearchParameter = new IncludeAdultContentSearchParameter
> ();
>                 parameters.Add(adultContentSearchParameter);
>             }
>             LanguageTargetSearchParameter
> languageTargetSearchParameter = new LanguageTargetSearchParameter()
> {
> languageTargets =
> languages.Select(
> x => new LanguageTarget()
> {
> languageCode = x
>                  }).ToArray
> ()
> };
>             parameters.Add(languageTargetSearchParameter);
>             CountryTargetSearchParameter countryTargetSearchParameter
> = new CountryTargetSearchParameter()
> {
> countryTargets =
> countries.Select(
> x => new CountryTarget()
> {
> countryCode = x
>                }).ToArray
> ()
>                                                                             };
>             parameters.Add(countryTargetSearchParameter);
>             TargetingIdeaSelector ideaSelector = new
> TargetingIdeaSelector()
>                                                      {
> searchParameters = parameters.ToArray(),
>                                                          ideaType =
> IdeaType.KEYWORD,
>                                                          requestType =
> RequestType.IDEAS,
>                                                          paging =
> null,
>                                                          localeCode =
> "en_US",
>                                                          currencyCode
> = "USD"
>                                                      };
>             GoogleAdWords2009Api.TargetingIdeaServiceInterfaceClient
> client = new TargetingIdeaServiceInterfaceClient
> ("TargetingIdeaServiceInterfacePort");
>             TargetingIdeaPage ret;
>             // This is the method that throw the Serialization
> Exception
>             client.get(header, ideaSelector, out ret);
> I hope this will be useful to solve this problem.
> Best,
> Francesco
> On Oct 29, 8:34 pm, AdWords API Advisor <adwordsapiadvi...@google.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi Francesco,
> > Can you post some of the code you are using the build your request?
> > Best,
> > - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> > On Oct 29, 1:56 pm, phatzimo <francescosimones...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I'm trying to call the new API using c# and WCF. I'm able to create a
> > > service reference using the Visual Studio WCF wizard and the program
> > > is compiling gracefully. The issue is showing at runtime. When I try
> > > to call the "get" method for a "TargetingIdeaService" I recive the
> > > following Exception:
> > > There was an error in serializing one of the headers in message
> > > getRequest: 'Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1).
> > > error CS0030: Cannot convert type
> > > 'GoogleAdwordsClient.GoogleAdWords2009Api.Type_AttributeMapEntry[]' to
> > > 'GoogleAdwordsClient.GoogleAdWords2009Api.Type_AttributeMapEntry'
> > > error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type
> > > 'GoogleAdwordsClient.GoogleAdWords2009Api.Type_AttributeMapEntry' to
> > > 'GoogleAdwordsClient.GoogleAdWords2009Api.Type_AttributeMapEntry[]'
> > > Anyone knows how to solve this issue?
> > > P.S.: I was looking at the .net client library too but I prefer to use
> > > the WCF implementation if possible.
> > > Thanks,
> > > Francesco


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