I knew that Keyword ID will change if u change match type of the
keyword. But something is still unclearly:

firstly, if i did not change keyword name and keyword match type, will
the keyword ID still change?

secondly, if the answer of the first question is "yes", then I would
love to ask that will the keyword ID always keeps the same if I keep
every attribute of this keyword stable in adwords?

Thirdly, if the answer of the first question is "no", then I would
love to know that how many attributes will and what attributes will
influence the keyword ID?

Moreover, what about placement ID, which attribute will effect the
placement ID? will the placement ID change? Since placement does not
have match type. If the placement ID is also unstable, how many
attributes will and what attributes will influence the placement ID?

Finally, if the keyword ID and placement ID are always unstable in
api, how can I make sure that I can use ID to track the same keyword?

Best regards,


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