
Could anyone please help ? Why dont we have this basic info... its the
code list just like V13 ?


On Nov 11, 12:06 pm, Shiv Bhaduri <shiv.bhad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Here is code I'm using, its very basic.
> ####################Code######################
> <?php
> error_reporting(E_STRICT | E_ALL);
> date_default_timezone_set("Europe/Brussels");
> $path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../src';
> set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path);
> require_once 'Google/Api/Ads/AdWords/Lib/AdWordsUser.php';
> class GetAllKeywordsExample {
>         static function main($keywords_input, $match_type) {
>                 $return_array = array();
>                 try {
>                         // Get AdWordsUser from credentials in "../auth.ini"
>                         // relative to the AdWordsUser.php file's directory.
>                         $user = new AdWordsUser();
>                         // Log SOAP XML request and response.
>                         $user->LogDefaults();
>                         $keywordService = $user->GetTargetingIdeaService();
>                         $keyword = new Keyword();
>                         $keyword->text = $keywords_input;
>                         $keyword->matchType = $match_type;
>                         $languageService= new LanguageTarget();
>                         $languageService->languageCode='en';
>                         $languageService->TargetType='en';
>                         $countryService= new CountryTargetSearchParameter();
>                         $countryService->countryTargets='UK';
>                         $keyword_array = array($keyword);
>                         $relatedToKeywordSearchParameter = new
> RelatedToKeywordSearchParameter($keyword_array, $languageService,
> $countryService);
>                         $targetingIdeaSelector = new TargetingIdeaSelector();
>                         $targetingIdeaSelector->searchParameters = array(
> $relatedToKeywordSearchParameter
>                         );
>                         $targetingIdeaSelector->ideaType = 'KEYWORD';
>                         $targetingIdeaSelector->requestType = 'IDEAS';
>                         $targetingIdeaSelector->requestedAttributeTypes=array
>                         $targetingIdeaSelector->paging = new Paging(0,400);
>                         $keywordPage = 
> $keywordService->get($targetingIdeaSelector);
>                         $return_array=array();
>                         if(isset($keywordPage->entries)) {
>                                 foreach ($keywordPage->entries as 
> $keyword_entry) {
>                                         foreach($keyword_entry as 
> $keyword_entry_array){
>                                                 foreach ($keyword_entry_array 
> as $keyword){
>                                                         if($keyword->key == 
> $keyword_value = $keyword->value;
> $kwtext=$keyword_value->value->text;
>                                                         }
>                                                         if($keyword->key == 
> $keyword_value = $keyword->value;
> $gms=$keyword_value->value;
>                                                         }
>                                                         if($keyword->key == 
> $keyword_value = $keyword->value;
>                                                                 $kwcat=$b = 
> implode (',', $keyword_value->value);
>                                                         }
>                                                         $return_array[] = 
> array(        $kwtext, $gms, $kwcat);
>                                                 }
>                                         }
>                                 }
>                         } else {
>                                 throw new Exception("No keyword found",0);
>                         }
>                 } catch (Exception $e) {
>                         $return_array[] = array(
>                                 'keyword'=>$e->getMessage());
>                 }
>                 return $return_array;
>         }
> }
> $result = GetAllKeywordsExample::main("computer", 'BROAD');
> var_dump($result);
> ?>
> ##################Output###############
> I get an array with with three elemnts.
> Keyword, Monthly Searches and Keyword Category code.
> However, Keyword category is mostly null for many ovbious terms (You
> can try with terms like computer, kfc etc.). Also,  where do we get
> the category name and code mapping table to map the category id to a
> category name.
> Hope this helps.
> Thanks...........Shiv
> On Nov 10, 9:52 pm, AdWords API Advisor <adwordsapiadvi...@google.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi Shiv,
> > Can you give me an example of how you are using these categories?  I'm
> > not sure I understand what categories you are referring to.
> > Best,
> > - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> > On Nov 10, 9:28 am, Shiv Bhaduri <shiv.bhad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > Where can we get the Keyword category codes with category name mapping
> > > for V2009 version ?
> > > Also, why do many keywords with obvious categories do not return and
> > > category codes ? The % is very large and beats the purpose of having
> > > the functionality.
> > > Thanks...Shiv


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