 i user adwords4r v13 in my system. follow is my code

    adwords = AdWords::API.new(AdWords::AdWordsCredentials.new(creds))
    report_name = '%s-keyword-report-%s' %
    job = AdWords::DefinedReportJob.new
    job.selectedReportType = 'Keyword'
    job.aggregationTypes = 'Daily'
    job.name = report_name
    job.selectedColumns = %w{Campaign AdGroup AdGroupId Keyword
KeywordId KeywordStatus KeywordTypeDisplay    AdWordsType
AveragePosition Impressions Clicks MaximumCPC CPC CPM CTR Cost
QualityScore KeywordDestUrlDisplay}

i want know how to setting paramter it can filter the no imps and no
clicks keyword data.


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