The sandbox -- I am about to test with production.  What I don't
understand is there is no fake data -- it's simply NULL?

On Nov 18, 2:20 pm, AdWords API Advisor <>
> Hi,
> Are you making requests against the sandbox or production
> environment?  The sandbox environment will not return real data for
> this service.
> Best,
> - Eric
> On Nov 18, 4:04 pm, a2b <> wrote:
> > I tried that and got back an array of 299 or so elements which were
> > all NULL. See below:
> > object(TargetingIdeaPage)#38 (2) {
> >   ["totalNumEntries"]=>
> >   int(300)
> >   ["entries"]=>
> >   array(300) {
> >     [0]=>
> >     object(TargetingIdea)#37 (1) {
> >       ["data"]=>
> >       NULL
> >     }
> >     [1]=>
> >     object(TargetingIdea)#36 (1) {
> >       ["data"]=>
> >       NULL
> >     }
> >     [2]=>
> >     object(TargetingIdea)#35 (1) {
> >       ["data"]=>
> >       NULL
> >     }
> > ..............
> > I was able to get slightly better results with
> > TARGETED_MONTHLY_SEARCHES but all the counts are still NULL.  Is this
> > because it is in the sandbox?  I would assume the sandbox would just
> > return fake numbers, not null.
> >             ["value"]=>
> >             array(12) {
> >               [0]=>
> >               object(MonthlySearchVolume)#4524 (3) {
> >                 ["year"]=>
> >                 int(2009)
> >                 ["month"]=>
> >                 int(10)
> >                 ["count"]=>
> >                 NULL
> >               }
> >               [1]=>
> >               object(MonthlySearchVolume)#4525 (3) {
> >                 ["year"]=>
> >                 int(2009)
> >                 ["month"]=>
> >                 int(9)
> >                 ["count"]=>
> >                 NULL
> >               }
> >               [2]=>
> > Thank you for your help!


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