You do know that the keyword tool is available for free, outside an
AdWords account? See

The AdWords API Rate Sheet (
developer/adwords_api_ratesheet.html) should be your starting point.

The costs are $0.25 per thousand units of requests. A single keyword
lookup using the GetBulkKeywordIdeas, is 1 unit per query. Using the
getKeywordVariations, 20 units per keyword.

So, anywhere between 1000 keyword probes for $0.25 to just 50 for
$0.25 using the KeywordVariations.

You'll need to make sure that your application is compatible with the
terms of service; I can imagine things you are trying to do, that
might be in breach. See

Cheers, JeremyC.

On Jan 8, 7:39 pm, ManVsBurger <> wrote:
> Hello everyone, I'm interested in setting up an online tool to use the
> Adwords API as a "keyword research" tool.  If a user were to input a
> few keywords in Google Adwords Keyword Tool, it would return back
> related results list and suggested results list.  How much would it
> cost to do this operation?
> Thanks!
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