Hi Eric
Thanks for the response.But still my problem is remained unsolved.
My objective is
1>I need to fetch all the campaigns of each clients of an MCC account
2>I need to make the report for each of the clients of that MCC

Now I concentrate to solve the 1st problem.
I commented the <clientEmail></clientEmail>

$login_emails = $account_service->call('getClientAccountInfos');
$login_emails = $login_emails['getClientAccountInfosReturn'];

it gave
Array ( [emailAddress] => "The real gmail id" [isCustomerManager] =>
true )

Then I tried to get all the campaigns of that client through the below
Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /var/www/html/adword_xml/
client_schedule_report.php on line 65

Next I uncommented <clientEmail>'.$clientEmail.'</clientEmail>' and
entered the "The real gmail id" got from the above code in place of
$clientEmail of '<clientEmail>'.$clientEmail.'</clientEmail>' and got
approximately 30 real emailAddress whose [isCustomerManager] => false

I think these 30 emailAddress are the emailAddress of the clients of
my MCC acount.plz answer am I write?
If yes,then can u plz help me to get all the campaigns under those
emailAddress?Hope a positive answer.

I tried myself and ran the below
$request_xml ='<getAllAdWordsCampaigns><dummy>0</dummy></
$campaigns       = $campaign_service->call('getAllAdWordsCampaigns',
$campaigns       = $campaigns['getAllAdWordsCampaignsReturn'];

i>by setting
        $headers =
and $clientEmail as the one which I get from case1: mentioned above
It gave result as
Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0
Then I set one of the emailAddress out of the 30 emailAddress as
$clientEmail but it gave the same Notice

Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0

What to do Eric?Plz help me.
Because this time I am not using sanbox.I am using the real
app_token,dev_tokem,email_id , passwd and
$namespace = 'https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/v13';
Hope for a quick response

On Jan 23, 2:47 am, AdWords API Advisor <adwordsapiadvi...@google.com>
> Hi,
> I believe the problem here is that you are running the report in the
> sandbox.  All statistics in the sandbox are fake and the report
> service will always return an empty report.  Try this request in
> production and you should get back the correct data.
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> On Jan 22, 8:12 am, ipsita rout <afixi.ips...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I wrote the following code
> > $sandbox = 1;
> > # Provide AdWords login information.For security reason I have not given the
> > Proper adword information.But in my code i used the proper information.
> > $email = "MCC gmail";
> > $password = "MCC Gmail's password";
> > $useragent = "Ipsita Test Sample";
> > $applicationToken = "App Token";
> > $account_type = "GOOGLE";
> > $service = "adwords";
> > $clientEmail = "client_1+$email";
> > $namespace = 'https://sandbox.google.com/api/adwords/v13';
> > $developerToken = "$email++USD";
> > # Define SOAP headers.
> > $headers =
> > '<email>'.$email.'</email>'.
> > '<password>'.$password.'</password>'.
> > //'<clientEmail>'.$clientEmail.'</clientEmail>'.
> > '<useragent>'.$useragent.'</useragent>'.
> > '<developerToken>'.$developerToken.'</developerToken>'.
> > '<applicationToken>'.$applicationToken.'</applicationToken>';
> > $report_service = SoapClientFactory::GetClient($namespace .
> > '/ReportService?wsdl', 'wsdl');
> > $report_service->setHeaders($headers);
> > $report_job =
> >   '<selectedReportType>Campaign</selectedReportType>'.
> >   '<name>Sample Keyword Report</name>'.
> >   '<crossClient>true</crossClient>'.
> >   '<clientEmails></clientEmails>'.
> >   '<aggregationTypes>Summary</aggregationTypes>'.
> >   '<adWordsType>ContentOnly</adWordsType>'.
> >   '<keywordType>Broad</keywordType>'.
> >   '<startDay>2007-12-01</startDay>'.
> >   '<endDay>2010-01-22</endDay>'.
> >   '<selectedColumns>Campaign</selectedColumns>'.
> >   '<selectedColumns>AdGroup</selectedColumns>'.
> >   '<selectedColumns>Keyword</selectedColumns>'.
> >   '<selectedColumns>KeywordStatus</selectedColumns>'.
> >   '<selectedColumns>KeywordMinCPC</selectedColumns>'.
> >   '<selectedColumns>KeywordDestUrlDisplay</selectedColumns>'.
> >   '<selectedColumns>Impressions</selectedColumns>'.
> >   '<selectedColumns>Clicks</selectedColumns>'.
> >   '<selectedColumns>CTR</selectedColumns>'.
> >   '<selectedColumns>AveragePosition</selectedColumns>'.
> >   '<campaigns>1</campaigns>';
> > $request_xml =
> >   '<validateReportJob>'.
> >   '<job xmlns:impl="https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/v13"; '.
> >   'xsi:type="impl:DefinedReportJob">'.$report_job.'</job>'.
> >   '</validateReportJob>';
> > # Validate report.
> > $report_service->call('validateReportJob', $request_xml);
> > //print '<pre>';print_r($report_service);exit;
> > $request_xml =
> >   '<scheduleReportJob>'.
> >   '<job xmlns:impl="https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/v13"; '.
> >   'xsi:type="impl:DefinedReportJob">'.$report_job.'</job>'.
> >   '</scheduleReportJob>';
> > $job_id = $report_service->call('scheduleReportJob', $request_xml);
> > $job_id = $job_id['scheduleReportJobReturn'];
> > //print '<pre>';print_r($job_id);exit;
> > $request_xml =
> > '<getReportJobStatus>'.
> > '<reportJobId>'.$job_id.'</reportJobId>'.
> > '</getReportJobStatus>';
> > $status = $report_service->call('getReportJobStatus', $request_xml);
> > $status = $status['getReportJobStatusReturn'];
> > //print '<pre>';print_r($status);exit;
> > while ($status != 'Completed' and $status != 'Failed') {
> >   echo 'Report job status is "'.$status.'".'."\n";
> >   sleep(30);
> >   $status = $report_service->call('getReportJobStatus', $request_xml);
> >   $status = $status['getReportJobStatusReturn'];
> > }
> > if ($status == 'Failed') {
> >   echo 'Report job generation failed.' . "\n";
> >   return;}
> > # Download report.
> > $request_xml =
> >   '<getGzipReportDownloadUrl>'.
> >   '<reportJobId>'.$job_id.'</reportJobId>'.
> >   '</getGzipReportDownloadUrl>';
> > $report_url = $report_service->call('getGzipReportDownloadUrl',
> > $request_xml);
> > $report_url = $report_url['getGzipReportDownloadUrlReturn'];
> > print '<pre>';print_r($report_url);exit;
> > The above code gives the below output:
> > Report job status is "Pending". Report job status is "InProgress". Report
> > job status is "InProgress".
> >https://sandbox.google.com/sandboxreports/defined.xml.gz
> > When I run the URL and download the file and then unzipped it.Then got
> > the XML file,which has all values containig 0.
> > Again
> > When I tried to fetch all the campaigns of the clients under the MCC
> > account.It gives error result.
> > Can any one please help me to make reports of the clients under an MCC 
> > account.
> > At least help me to fetch all the campaigns of the clients under an MCC.

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