Hi Kato,

Unfortunately there is no way to know the size a report before it is
generated.  As for performing a local database sync, the account
structure reports are likely your best option.

- Eric

On Jan 25, 9:35 pm, kato <tatsuhito.k...@brainpad.co.jp> wrote:
> Thanks for your reply.
> I plans to use Account Structure Report to update local databases,
> and concern about huge client's report may over-sized.
> Are there any way to know estimate size of report before its creation?
> I plan to create three (keywords, ads, and ad groups) reports by
> account.
> If there are better way to update local databases, please tell them to
> me :)
> Best,
> On Jan 26, 3:46 am, AdWords API Advisor <adwordsapiadvi...@google.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > To address your questions:
> > 1) Yes, there will be no reported errors.
> > 2) The limit is based on the gzipped size, so the actual XML file may
> > be larger when extracted.  This means that a zipped and non-zipped
> > report may be truncated differently.
> > In general we advise against creating reports that approach this size
> > limit, both for the truncation problems and the load on the API.  This
> > may mean breaking up reports large reports into smaller ones, by
> > client account or campaign.
> > Best,
> > - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> > On Jan 25, 5:36 am, kato <tatsuhito.k...@brainpad.co.jp> wrote:
> > > Hi.
> > > I have two questions about ReportService.
> > > It is wrote in API Reference:
> > > > Served XML reports are truncated to 263064146 bytes (about 250MB).
> > > 1. Is it means All (validateReportJob, scheduleReportJob,
> > > getReportJobStatus and
> > >    getReportDownloadUrl) of API calls return successful response even
> > > reports are truncated?
> > >    We cannot know whether the report is over-sized or not until
> > > complete file download?
> > > 2. The size 263064146 bytes is based by raw XML, not gzipped one?
> > >     In other words, the two over-sized XMLs got by two APIs: getGzip/
> > > getReportDownloadUrl are
> > >     truncated by same point?
> > > Best,

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