
I am working on Adwords API on behalf of a customer. We have over
5000+ AdGroups and 75,000 keywords. I just want to pull them down to
integrate with our current application.

I can successfully grab down all of Campaigns and AdGroups, but I do
experience the error "SizeLimitError.RESPONSE_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"
that i have noticed someone got the same error. Then I tried to just
get all keywords for an AdGroup. Then always return NULL for me.
Frustrated. Because I don't know which AdGroup will have small pieces
of keywords. If I set page index, i still don't know when I can grab
all of keywords. Is there BulkGetJob service like BulkMutateJob
service? As far as I know, there is no such BulkGetJob service. If I
am wrong, please correct me.

And for Selectors, they only have "inclusive" ids filters,  I do
prefer there is an "exclusive" ids filters as well. If grabbed down
some of Adgroup, then I know those Adgroups have been grabbed down, I
want to grab the rest Adgroups (the Ids are not in my grabbed AdGroup

BTW, If I continually call the service, they will lock me out, is
there any limited calls? per day or something else?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.


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