
Can you provide the code you are using to generate the service?  Can
you double check that you are using the correct URL endpoint?

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Feb 2, 9:50 am, shiraazz <shira...@gmail.com> wrote:
> *bump*
> On Feb 1, 12:38 pm, shiraazz <shira...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > When I debug I get this error.
> > at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse
> > (SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream
> > responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
> >    at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke
> > (String methodName, Object[] parameters)
> >    at com.google.api.adwords.lib.SoapServiceBase.Call(String
> > methodName, Object[] parameters) in D:\Dotslash\Web Projects\SEO Tool
> > \Libraries\GoogleAPI\src\lib\SoapServiceBase.cs:line 135
> >    at com.google.api.adwords.lib.SoapServiceBase.Invoke(String
> > methodName, Object[] parameters) in D:\Dotslash\Web Projects\SEO Tool
> > \Libraries\GoogleAPI\src\lib\SoapServiceBase.cs:line 86
> >    at com.google.api.adwords.v200909.TargetingIdeaService.get
> > (TargetingIdeaSelector selector) in D:\Dotslash\Web Projects\SEO Tool
> > \Libraries\GoogleAPI\src\v200909\AdWordsApi.cs:line 12259
> >    at TermService.GetKeyWords_NEW(String kw) in d:\Dotslash\Web
> > Projects\SEO Tool\Website\App_Code\Web Services\TermService.cs:line
> > 170
> > //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> > Am I missing something?
> > //////////////////////////////////////////////
> >       TargetingIdeaSelector selector = new TargetingIdeaSelector();
> >       selector.searchParameters = new SearchParameter[]
> > {searchParameter};
> >       selector.ideaTypeSpecified = true;
> >       selector.ideaType = IdeaType.KEYWORD;
> >       selector.requestTypeSpecified = true;
> >       selector.requestType = RequestType.IDEAS;
> >       Paging paging = new Paging();
> >       paging.startIndex = 0;
> >       paging.startIndexSpecified = true;
> >       paging.numberResults = 10;
> >       paging.numberResultsSpecified = true;
> >       selector.paging = paging;
> >       TargetingIdeaPage page = targetingIdeaService.get(selector);

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