I tried using that.. but then system just hangs up.. I never get
response back from Google.

On Feb 5, 11:08 am, AdWords API Advisor <adwordsapiadvi...@google.com>
> Hi,
> You'll want to use the KeyworkMatchTypeSearchParameter:
>  http://code.google.com/apis/adwords/v2009/docs/reference/TargetingIde...
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> On Feb 4, 12:24 pm, Ajit <ajitscor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello team
> > I am trying to get suggested keyword for a give website. it is working
> > fine.. but I only want "BROAD" match type..
> > is there a way to specify matchtype = "BROAD" for
> > RelatedToUrlSearchParameter method.
> > following is my code:
> > related_search = @ti_srv.module::RelatedToUrlSearchParameter.new
> >       related_search.urls ="http://yahoo.com"#options[:urls]
> >       g =
> > @ti_srv.module::AverageTargetedMonthlySearchesSearchParameter.new
> >       o = @ti_srv.module::LongComparisonOperation.new
> >       o.minimum = 0
> >       o.maximum = 100_000_000_000
> >       g.operation = o
> >       @selector.searchParameters = [related_search, g]
> >       @selector.ideaType = 'KEYWORD'
> >       @selector.requestType = 'IDEAS'
> >       @selector.requestedAttributeTypes = ['KEYWORD',
> >        paging = @ti_srv.module::Paging.new
> >        paging.startIndex = 0
> >        paging.numberResults = 20
> >       �...@selector.paging = paging
> >          # Get results
> >     index = 20
> >     results = []
> >     while true
> >       page = @ti_srv.get(@selector).rval
> >       return nil if page.nil?
> >       results += page.entries if page.entries
> >       break if page.totalNumEntries > index
> >       index += paging.numberResults
> >       paging.startIndex = index
> >     end
> >     return results

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