Hi Juan,

The KEYWORD_CATEGORY is an ID that corresponds to a grouping of
keywords by topic.  These categories are the values presented in the
left column of the Search-based Keyword Tool:


We are working on adding these categories and their ids to the
documentation, but unfortunately I don't have a timeline for when that
will be complete.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Feb 5, 9:38 am, Juan <jmberru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Moreover, why does KEYWORD_CATEGORY return a set of ints
> (IntegerSetAttribute)? From the description I understood it would
> return only one int.
> Thanks again,
> Juan
> On Feb 4, 7:18 pm, Juan <jmberru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I been searching some stuff at the docs/forum with no luck.
> > At the TargetIdeaService docs it is mentioned that one can select
> > requestAttributes. The ones that I am concerned about are ngram_group
> > and keyword_category.
> > The meaning of ngram_group was explained on this forum (see 
> > post:http://groups.google.com/group/adwords-api/browse_thread/thread/b1d31...)
> > However, there's little said about the keyword_category attribute. The
> > docs say: "Represents a category id for a category within the category
> > hierarchy for keyword ideas". I see no keyword's category hierarchy
> > anywhere, so my guess is that the id refers to the ngram_group to
> > which the keyword belongs.
> > Is my guess correct? If not, what does the keyword_category really
> > stands for?
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Juan

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