Oh, as you say, the keyword has never had an impression.

Where this specification is published?
I searched AdWords v2009 and google forum, however, I can't find...

And, the Creative is the same specification?

On 2月9日, 午前1:29, AdWords API Advisor <adwordsapiadvi...@google.com>
> Hi,
> I just ran some tests and the selector appears to be working
> correctly.  Please keep in mind that deleting a keyword can have two
> different outcomes:
> - If the keyword has never had an impression then it will be
> completely removed from the ad group, and it will not be returned with
> any get() requests.
> - If the keyword has had some impressions then it will remain in the
> ad group with the DELETED status.
> It could be that your ad group just doesn't have any keywords in this
> DELETED status.  You can verify this in the AdWords web interface.
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> On Feb 8, 6:29 am, ryo <tadaima10ji27...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi.
> > I use Java v200909.
> > I have a question about
> > AdGroupCriterionSelector#setUserStatuses(Userstatus[] userStatuses).
> > Userstatus.ACTIVE and Userstatus.PAUSED are well-functioning.
> > However, Userstatus.DELETED is NOT well-functioning, I think.
> > For example, the following code doesn't work.
> > AdGroupCriterionServiceInterface adGroupCriterionService
> >         =
> > user.getService(AdWordsService.V200909.ADGROUP_CRITERION_SERVICE);
> > AdGroupCriterionSelector selector = new AdGroupCriterionSelector();
> > selector.setIdFilters(new AdGroupCriterionIdFilter[]{
> >         new AdGroupCriterionIdFilter(12345L, 67890L, null)});
> > selector.setCriterionUse(CriterionUse.BIDDABLE);
> > selector.setUserStatuses(new UserStatus[]{UserStatus.DELETED});
> > adGroupCriterionService.get(selector).getEntries();
> > A part of soap request is the following.
> >     <soapenv:Body>
> >       <get xmlns="https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v200909";>
> >         <selector>
> >           <idFilters>
> >             <campaignId>12345</campaignId>
> >             <adGroupId>67890</adGroupId>
> >           </idFilters>
> >           <criterionUse>BIDDABLE</criterionUse>
> >           <userStatuses>DELETED</userStatuses>
> >         </selector>
> >       </get>
> >     </soapenv:Body>

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