I'm trying to use the library as recommended but not sure where to
begin. I've used v13 directly without issues for a while. I've
downloaded the latest library and placed elements of the src folder
into my app_code folder namely lib, v13, 200906 and 200909, everything
seems to compile.

I then created a test file based on an example, it looks a bit like

        AdWordsUser user = new AdWordsUser(headers);
        CampaignTargetService campaignService =

        CampaignTargetPage page = campaignService.get(new

        // Display campaign targets.
        if (page != null && page.entries != null)
            foreach (TargetList targetList in page.entries)
                Debug.WriteLine("Campaign target of type "
                    + targetList.TargetListType
                    + " was found for campaign with" +

Everything compiles fine. But I always get a 'Unable to connect to the
remote server' in runtime. I've not manually added any webservices in
visual studio, the only ones that are there are from v13. Do I need
to? The runtime exception happens in v2009 soapServiceBase, line 135.
Suggests it could be down but more likely I'm doing something wrong.
How do I install the library? I haven't done anything with assembly.cs
and app.config, I didn't bring them into my project.

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