Hi David,

I talked to the maintainer of the AdWords API .NET client library, and
his recommendation was not to copy files from the library into your
project, but rather add the client library project to your solution
and reference it in your web application.  This should avoid some of
the problems you are running in to.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Feb 18, 8:54 am, David <cont...@akamarketing.com> wrote:
> This is tricky. If you change anything in your code you need to take
> out the <webservices> </webservices> code, build and I think run your
> app, so VS creates the partial classes and then you can put it back
> in. Something to do with the way VS and the framework creates
> classes.
> On Feb 18, 1:36 pm, David <cont...@akamarketing.com> wrote:
> > OK so able to finally solve one of my own problems. If you what to
> > you .net lib and just want the code in App_Code rather than compiling
> > a .dll you have to change a the app.config or the web.config which
> > ever you use. You have to take away the overall assembly name and
> > replace it with app_code so if you want tracing 1st enable it and then
> > have your config section looking like:
> > <webServices>
> >             <soapExtensionTypes>
> >                 <add type="com.google.api.adwords.lib.TraceExtension,
> > App_Code" priority="1" group="0"/>
> >                 <add
> > type="com.google.api.adwords.lib.ApiUnitsExtension, App_Code"
> > priority="1" group="0"/>
> >             </soapExtensionTypes>
> > </webServices>
> > You also need to get rid of mentions of google-api-adwords-dotnet as
> > that's the assembly name and if your using app_code you won't have
> > this.
> > Best of luck.
> > On Feb 18, 1:21 pm, David <cont...@akamarketing.com> wrote:
> > > "The value of the property 'type' cannot be parsed. The error is:
> > > Could not load type 'com.google.api.adwords.lib.TraceExtension' from
> > > assembly 'System.Web.Services, Version=, Culture=neutral,
> > > PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'."
> > > I'm using v7 of the .net lib, but also got this yesterday with v6 of
> > > the lib when I tried to get some logs going to debug another problem.
> > > I can see the traceextension file and its namespace in the lib folder
> > > and everything compiles fine but for some reason .net framework seems
> > > to be looking for it in System.Web.Services when it is actually in my
> > > app_code folder. I'm not using a .dll assembly myself. The solution
> > > file provided does not seem to open with Visual web developer 2008.
> > > I also get an additinoal error which I can see if I launch through
> > > built in iis server but not in VS its:
> > > The value of the property 'type' cannot be parsed. The error is: Could
> > > not load type 'com.google.api.adwords.lib.ApiUnitsExtension' from
> > > assembly 'System.Web.Services, Version=, Culture=neutral,
> > > PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'.
> > > Again the framework seems to be searching in the wrong assembly, how
> > > can I fix?
> > > Can anyone help me with this?
> > > Transition to v2009 has not been smooth.
> > > thanks in advance.
> > > Dave.

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