Hi Mike,

There are no existing best practices around how large a BulkMutateJob
should be.  The synchronous services currently allow for up to 5000
operations per request, although that limit is subject to change in
the future.  So for batches of only a few thousand operations it would
most likely make sense to use the synchronous services.

As for the execution time of a BulkMutateJob, there are no guarantees
made and the time vary based upon other jobs in the queue, system
load, etc.  In general we recommend using the BMJS for operations that
are not time sensitive, like uploading new keywords, ads, etc.

- Eric

On Mar 4, 11:18 am, mikereedell <mikereed...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Eric,
> Above you mention 3000 operations being too low a number to properly
> utilize the BulkMutateJobService.  What's the rule-of-thumb for when
> using the BMJS makes more sense than using the synchronous services?
> 10K, 25K, 50K operations?
> Also, in some testing we've done here, we see widely varying times
> when submitting a very small sample job (1 KW, 1 placement, 2 ads).
> They run anywhere from 20s to 25 minutes.
> Thanks,
> Mike
> On Feb 9, 10:46 am, AdWords API Advisor <adwordsapiadvi...@google.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi Joe,
> > As an initial disclaimer, the BulkMutateJobService is not designed to
> > increase the speed of operations.  It's main goal is to reduce the
> > overhead on the client side when making large numbers of operations
> > and to have the backend handle certain types of logic automatically.
> > Given the small number of the operations you areprocessing(~3000) it
> > probably makes sense to use the synchronous services.
> > As for the slowness seen with the BMJS, something that jumps out in
> > your code is how you are creating your streams, parts, and job.  The
> > createAndBeginBulkJob() method takes as a parameter operationsByPart,
> > which is an array of arrays of operations.  This allows you to pass in
> > multiple sets of operations which will be processed in different
> > parts.  From what I can tell, you are instead passing in a single
> > array of operations.  This side effect here I believe is that you are
> > creating a separate operation stream and part for every operation in
> > your array, which is creating a lot of unnecessary overhead.
> > Try the following change and see if that improves performance:
> > //Start Jobs
> > $jobId = $this->createAndBeginBulkJob($scopingEntityId,
> > array($operations));
> > Best,
> > - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> > On Feb 8, 4:43 pm, Joe_Rocket <j...@netblue.us> wrote:
> > > OK, I've manage to migrate our application from v13 to v2009. We've
> > > got some serious speed issues inkeywordgeneration with theBulk
> > >Processing.  So I'm wondering if someone could take a look and tell me
> > > if I could construct theBulkjobs more efficiently. Thanks.
> > > Test Campaign Run
> > > -----------------------
> > > single campaign
> > > 15 ad groups
> > > 3 ads per adgroup
> > > 65 keywords per adgroup
> > > Test Results
> > > ----------------------
> > > v13 Run Time = 265.396441936s = 4.41 minutes
> > > v2009 Run Time = 7939.71670389 = 132 minutes!!!
> > > Our application code for v13keywordfunction was was pretty much just
> > > wrapping Apility like this:
> > >         public function createMultipleKeywords($keywordArray){
> > >                 $criterionObjects = 
> > > addKeywordCriterionList($keywordArray);
> > >                 return $criterionObjects;
> > >         }
> > > We'd batch create all keywords from one ad group at a time, which on
> > > average was about 50 keywords at a time.  Anykeywordfailures causing
> > > the group to fail, our system would go back and reprocess that group
> > > one at a time.
> > > Now in converting to v2009, our new keywords function based off the
> > > Google Example code looks like this:
> > >         public function createMultipleKeywords($keywordArray, 
> > > $campaignId){
> > >                 $result = null;
> > >                 $operations = array();
> > >                 $adGroupCriteriaService = $this->adWordsUser-
> > > >GetAdGroupCriterionService('v200909');
> > >                 $count = 0;
> > >                 if(!empty($keywordArray)){
> > >                         foreach($keywordArray as $key=>$keywordRecord){
> > >                                 // Createkeyword.
> > >                                 $keyword[$count] = newKeyword();
> > >                                 $keyword[$count]->text = 
> > > $keywordRecord['text'];
> > >                                 $keyword[$count]->matchType = 
> > > $keywordRecord['type'];
> > >                                 // Create ad group bid.
> > >                                 $bids[$count] = new 
> > > ManualCPCAdGroupCriterionBids();
> > >                                 $keyMaxCpc = $keywordRecord['maxCpc'] *
> > >                                 $bids[$count]->maxCpc = new Bid(new 
> > > Money($keyMaxCpc));
> > >                                 // Create biddable ad group criterion.
> > >                                 $keywordAdGroupCriterion[$count] = new 
> > > BiddableAdGroupCriterion();
> > >                                 
> > > $keywordAdGroupCriterion[$count]->adGroupId = (float)
> > > $keywordRecord['belongsToAdGroupId'];
> > >                                 
> > > $keywordAdGroupCriterion[$count]->criterion = newKeyword();
> > >                                 
> > > $keywordAdGroupCriterion[$count]->criterion->text =
> > > $keywordRecord['text'];
> > >                                 
> > > $keywordAdGroupCriterion[$count]->criterion->matchType =
> > > $keywordRecord['type'];
> > >                                 
> > > $keywordAdGroupCriterion[$count]->destinationUrl =
> > > $keywordRecord['destinationUrl'];
> > >                                 $keywordAdGroupCriterion[$count]->bids = 
> > > $bids[$count];
> > >                                 // Create operations.
> > >                                 $operations[$count] = new 
> > > AdGroupCriterionOperation();
> > >                                 $operations[$count]->operand = 
> > > $keywordAdGroupCriterion[$count];
> > >                                 $operations[$count]->operator = 'ADD';
> > >                                 $count++;
> > >                         }
> > >                         $bulkMutateJobService = 
> > > $this->adWordsUser->GetBulkMutateJobService();
> > >                         $scopingEntityId = new EntityId('CAMPAIGN_ID', 
> > > $campaignId);
> > >                         //Start Jobs
> > >                         $jobId = 
> > > $this->createAndBeginBulkJob($scopingEntityId,
> > > $operations);
> > >                         // Monitor and retrieve results from job.
> > >                         $operationResultsByPart = $this-
> > > >retrieveResultsFromBulkJob($jobId);
> > >                         //Process results
> > >                         $results = 
> > > $this->processResultsFromBulkJob($operationResultsByPart,
> > > 'AdGroupCriterion');
> > >                 }
> > >                 return $results;
> > >         }
> > >         function createAndBeginBulkJob($scopingEntityId, 
> > > $operationsByPart)
> > >         {
> > >                 $bulkMutateJobService = $this->adWordsUser-
> > > >GetBulkMutateJobService();
> > >                 // Initialize thebulkmutate job id.
> > >                 $jobId = NULL;
> > >                 // Note: A job may have no more than 100 Request Parts.  
> > > Each Part
> > > may have
> > >                 // no more than 25 operation streams and no more than 
> > > 10,000
> > > operations
> > >                 for ($partCounter = 0;  $partCounter < 
> > > count($operationsByPart);
> > > $partCounter++) {
> > >                         // Create operation stream.
> > >                         $opStream = new OperationStream();
> > >                         $opStream->scopingEntityId = $scopingEntityId;
> > >                         $opStream->operations = 
> > > $operationsByPart[$partCounter];
> > >                         // Createbulkmutate request part.
> > >                         $part = new BulkMutateRequest();
> > >                         $part->partIndex = $partCounter;
> > >                         $part->operationStreams = array($opStream);
> > >                         // Createbulkmutate job.
> > >                         $job = new BulkMutateJob();
> > >                         $job->id = $jobId;
> > >                         $job->numRequestParts = sizeof($operationsByPart);
> > >                         $job->request = $part;
> > >                         // Create operation.
> > >                         $operation = new JobOperation();
> > >                         $operation->operand = $job;
> > >                          // If this is our first part, then the job must 
> > > be added, not set.
> > >                         if ($partCounter == 0) {
> > >                                 $operation->operator = 'ADD';
> > >                         } else {
> > >                         $operation->operator = 'SET';
> > >                         }
> > >                         try{
> > >                                 // Add/set the job. The job will not 
> > > start until all parts are
> > > added.
> > >                                 $job = 
> > > $bulkMutateJobService->mutate($operation);
> > >                                 $jobId = $job->id;
> > >                                 //echo "Job Id = $jobId\n";
> > >                         }catch (SoapFault $fault) {
> > >                                 print_r($fault);
> > >                                 //Extract error and place on fault stack
> > >                                 $this->checkFault($fault);
> > >                         }
> > >                         // Store job id.
> > >                         $jobId = $job->id;
> > >                 }
> > >                 return $jobId;
> > >         }...
> read more »

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