I'm getting this error from time to time when using the sandbox with
the same data set:

aw_api.Errors.Error: 502 Server Error. The server encountered a
temporary error and could not complete your request. Please try again
in 30 seconds.

This happens when I use BulkMutateJob to update around 40,000 keywords
in one account using one job divided to 40 parts, 1000 keywords for
each.   I have few questions here:

1-Why am I getting this error?
2-Would I have that kind of errors(502) on AdWords Production servers?
3-This statement is confusing me: "Please try again in 30 seconds.",
is the job still there and still processing or what?


Have you migrated to v200909 yet?
The v13 sunset is on April 22, 2010.

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