Hi JohnM,

Unfortunately Perl programming is not one of my strengths, and I'm not
sure how to best utilize the SOAP functionality in Perl.  The client
library provides classes that handle special data types and headers
automatically, but unfortunately it doesn't support the
TargetingIdeaService at this time.

- Eric

On Apr 2, 1:49 pm, jem <surfuto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your reply, Eric.
> How do I specify the creation of the object using Soap::Data calls, or
> something else, including the namespaces as you indicate?
> My header parameter is found and accepted, and it does not look like
> your example.  Perhaps there is some leeway into what exactly is
> acceptable?
> Also, what should the base ->get() call parameters look like?  Should
> it be $service->get($selector,$headers);
> Thanks again!
> JohnM
> On Apr 2, 7:22 am, AdWords API Advisor <adwordsapiadvi...@google.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi JohnM,
> > I think the selector isn't being recognized because it isn't in the
> > correct namespace.  Most elements in the request should be in the 'o'
> > namespace, while others should be in the 'cm' namespace.  Here is an
> > example SOAP XML request that works.
> > <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/
> > envelope/" xmlns:o="https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/o/v200909";
> > xmlns:cm="https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v200909";
> > xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";>
> >    <soapenv:Header>
> >       <o:RequestHeader>
> >          <cm:authToken>...</cm:authToken>
> >          <cm:clientEmail>...</cm:clientEmail>
> >          <cm:developerToken>...</cm:developerToken>
> >          <cm:userAgent>...</cm:userAgent>
> >       </o:RequestHeader>
> >    </soapenv:Header>
> >    <soapenv:Body>
> >       <o:get>
> >          <o:selector>
> >             <o:searchParameters
> > xsi:type="o:RelatedToKeywordSearchParameter">
> >                <o:keywords>
> >                   <cm:text>flowers</cm:text>
> >                   <cm:matchType>BROAD</cm:matchType>
> >                </o:keywords>
> >             </o:searchParameters>
> >             <o:searchParameters
> > xsi:type="o:LanguageTargetSearchParameter">
> >                <o:languageTargets>
> >                   <cm:languageCode>en</cm:languageCode>
> >                </o:languageTargets>
> >             </o:searchParameters>
> >             <o:searchParameters
> > xsi:type="o:CountryTargetSearchParameter">
> >                <o:countryTargets>
> >                   <cm:countryCode>US</cm:countryCode>
> >                </o:countryTargets>
> >             </o:searchParameters>
> >             <o:ideaType>KEYWORD</o:ideaType>
> >             <o:requestType>IDEAS</o:requestType>
> >             <o:paging>
> >                <cm:startIndex>0</cm:startIndex>
> >                <cm:numberResults>10</cm:numberResults>
> >             </o:paging>
> >          </o:selector>
> >       </o:get>
> >    </soapenv:Body>
> > </soapenv:Envelope>
> > Best,
> > - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> > On Apr 1, 2:36 am, jem <surfuto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I am using perl, no client lib, accessing TargetingIdeaService get
> > > method.  The selector is not being seen, as the selector.
> > > I am sure I am missing something really simple and stupid here.
> > > Here is the code:
> > > -----
> > > use Google::AdWords::AuthToken ();
> > > # ...
> > >       my $token;
> > >       eval {
> > >         $token = Google::AdWords::AuthToken::get_token({
> > >           email => $ADW_EMAIL,
> > >           password => $ADW_PASSWORD,
> > >         });
> > >       };
> > > # ...
> > >  my $service = 
> > > SOAP::Lite->service($wsdl)->autotype(0)->readable(1)->proxy($url);
> > > # ...
> > >       eval {
> > >         $service->on_fault(
> > >           sub {
> > >             my $response = $_[1];
> > >             $msg = "The following SOAP fault occurred:\n" .
> > >                    "    faultcode: " . $response->faultcode() . "\n" .
> > >                    "    faultstring: " . $response->faultstring() .
> > > "\n";
> > >             print $msg;
> > >           }
> > >         );
> > >       };
> > > # ...
> > >       my $soap_header = SOAP::Header->name('RequestHeader' =>
> > > \SOAP::Header->value(
> > >         SOAP::Header->name('authToken'        => $token),
> > >         SOAP::Header->name('clientEmail'      => $ADW_CLIENT_EMAIL),
> > >         SOAP::Header->name('userAgent'        => $ADW_USERAGENT),
> > >         SOAP::Header->name('developerToken'   =>
> > >         SOAP::Header->name('applicationToken' =>
> > >         SOAP::Header->name('alternateUrl'     => 'https://adwords-
> > > sandbox.google.com'),
> > >       ));
> > > # tried setting soap_action...  and passing in for some tests, still
> > > didn't work
> > >       my $soap_action = SOAP::Data->name('get')->attr({'xmlns' =>
> > > $namespace});
> > > # ...
> > >           my $selector = SOAP::Data->name('selector' => {
> > >             'searchParameters' => [
> > >               {
> > >                 'type' => 'RelatedToKeywordSearchParameter',
> > >                 'keywords' => [
> > >                   {
> > >                     'text' => 'flowers',
> > >                     'matchType' => 'BROAD',
> > >                   },
> > >                 ]
> > >               },
> > >               {
> > >                 'type' => 'LanguageTargetSearchParameter',
> > >                 'languageTargets' => [
> > >                   {'languageCode' => $LANGUAGE},
> > >                 ]
> > >               },
> > >               {
> > >                 'type' => 'CountryTargetSearchParameter',
> > >                 'countryTargets' => [
> > >                   {'countryCode' => $COUNTRY},
> > >                 ]
> > >               },
> > >             ],
> > >             'ideaType'         => 'KEYWORD',
> > >             'requestType'      => 'IDEAS',
> > >             'paging'           => {
> > >               'startIndex'     => '0',
> > >               'numberResults'  => '10',
> > >             }
> > >           });
> > > # ...
> > >           my $som = '';
> > >           my $som_results = '';
> > >           eval {
> > >             $som = $service->get('TargetingIdeaSelector'=>$selector,
> > > $soap_header);
> > >             if (defined($som) && $som) {
> > >               $som_results = $som->result();
> > >             }
> > >           };
> > >           if ($@)  {
> > >             print "Error while making SOAP request for keyword\n";
> > >           }
> > > -----
> > > I am pretty sure the problem is the ->get() call.  I have tried
> > > several different soap service calls, using ->get (as shown above),
> > > and using the older ->call method as well, using the soap_action, to
> > > access the get method.
> > > I have tried ->get($selector,$soap_header), does not even see the
> > > $selector data,
> > > or with something as parameter #1 (as in the above call), I see the
> > > selector data, but the soap/wsdl interface does not see the selector
> > > as being the selector, as can be seen below in the soap debug output:
> > > soap debug results:
> > > -----
> > > SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::send_receive: 
> > > POSThttps://adwords-sandbox.google.com/api/adwords/o/v200909/TargetingIde...
> > > HTTP/1.1
> > > Accept: text/xml
> > > Accept: multipart/*
> > > Accept: application/soap
> > > Content-Length: 2454
> > > Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
> > > SOAPAction: ""
> > > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> > > <soap:Envelope
> > >     xmlns:wsdlsoap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/";
> > >     soap:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/";
> > >     xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";
> > >     xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/";
> > >     xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/";
> > >     xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
> > >     xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
> > >     xmlns:tns="https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/o/v200909";>
> > >   <soap:Header>
> > >     <RequestHeader>
> > >       <authToken>xxxxxx</authToken>
> > >       <clientEmail>xxxxxx</clientEmail>
> > >       <userAgent>xxxxxx: AdWords API Perl Sample Code</userAgent>
> > >       <developerToken>xxxxxx</developerToken>
> > >       <applicationToken>xxxxxx</applicationToken>
> > >       <alternateUrl>https://adwords-sandbox.google.com</alternateUrl>
> > >     </RequestHeader>
> > >   </soap:Header>
> > >   <soap:Body>
> > >     <tns:get>
> > >       <selector xsi:nil="true" xsi:type="tns:TargetingIdeaSelector" />
> > >       <selector>
> > >         <ideaType>KEYWORD</ideaType>
> > >         <paging>
> > >           <startIndex>0</startIndex>
> > >           <numberResults>10</numberResults>
> > >         </paging>
> > >         <requestType>IDEAS</requestType>
> > >         <searchParameters>
> > >           <c-gensym12>
> > >             <keywords>
> > >               <c-gensym13>
> > >                 <text>flowers</text>
> > >                 <matchType>BROAD</matchType>
> > >               </c-gensym13>
> > >             </keywords>
> > >             <type>RelatedToKeywordSearchParameter</type>
> > >           </c-gensym12>
> > >           <c-gensym14>
> > >             <languageTargets>
> > >               <c-gensym15>
> > >                 <languageCode>en</languageCode>
> > >               </c-gensym15>
> > >             </languageTargets>
> > >             <type>LanguageTargetSearchParameter</type>
> > >           </c-gensym14>
> > >           <c-gensym16>
> > >             <countryTargets>
> > >               <c-gensym17>
> > >                 <countryCode>US</countryCode>
> > >               </c-gensym17>
> > >             </countryTargets>
> > >            ...
> read more »

Have you migrated to v200909 yet?
The v13 sunset is on April 22, 2010.

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