
We have updated our site to use the Google Adwords API v200909
recently. We use a cron job script to update the bids regularly. A
couple of times we saw that the update bid function has failed with
the following exception:

Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soap:Server]
operations[0].operand.bids.maxCpc.amount.microAmount] in /public_html/
AdsSoapClient.php:177 Stack trace: #0 /public_html/backend/
AdsSoapClient.php(177): SoapClient->__soapCall('mutate', Array, NULL,
Array, Array) #1 /public_html/backend/aw_api_php_lib_2.0.0_src/src/
AdsSoapClient->__soapCall('mutate', Array) #2 /public_html/backend/
backend_main.php(382): AdGroupCriterionService->mutate(Array) #3 /
set_new_bid(Object(AdGroupCriterionService), 398589821, 51498600,
2.01) #4 /public_html/backend/backend_main.php(390): backendMain() #5
{main} thrown in /public_html/backend/aw_api_php_lib_2.0.0_src/src/
Google/Api/Ads/Common/Lib/AdsSoapClient.php  on line 177

Since the exception was uncaught, our script had failed to proceed. I
see that this was not the first keyword that we were trying to update,
so we figured that the problem was with the value we were passing. So,
I updated my script to print the value that we are passing to the
Money function:$bids->maxCpc = new Bid(new Money(($newBid*1000000)));
and catch the exception. The results are strange, we see that all bids
except the value "2010000" have been successful. All bids with
microAmount "2010000" have failed with
BiddingError.BID_TOO_MANY_FRACTIONAL_DIGITS error. Is this a known

It does look strange but I have seen 5 instances of this in my single
run. And it is persistent. I am yet to test this in Sandbox to see if
it happens. I have verified (by printing the whole bids Array) that
the printed value is infact converted to Money object correctly. Can
someone kindly throw light on what is the problem here?

Thanks for your time!

Rizwan M

Have you migrated to v200909 yet?
The v13 sunset is on April 22, 2010.

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