Found a similar looking error from the PHP API, but it doesn't seem to
explain what's going on in the Ruby API:

The PHP API problem states that it's a Float precision problem.
However, in the Ruby issue in the above post, the microAmount is
already being cast to an Integer (using Float#to_i).  I even tried
calling Float#floor before passing the data in, but still doesn't

So, I'm not quite sure what's going on.  Any takers?

On Jun 29, 3:33 pm, ojak wrote:
> I'm receiving "BiddingError.BID_TOO_MANY_FRACTIONAL_DIGITS" for a bid
> microAmount that is not fractional (SOAP log confirms that the number
> is indeed not fractional):
>   <n2:operations xsi:type="n2:AdGroupCriterionOperation">
>         <n2:operator>ADD</n2:operator>
>         <n2:operand xsi:type="n2:BiddableAdGroupCriterion">
>           <n2:adGroupId>xxx</n2:adGroupId>
>           <n2:criterion xsi:type="n2:Keyword">
>                 <n2:text>My Keyword</n2:text>
>                 <n2:matchType>BROAD</n2:matchType>
>           </n2:criterion>
>           <n2:bids xsi:type="n2:ManualCPCAdGroupCriterionBids">
>                 <n2:maxCpc>
>                   <n2:amount xsi:type="n2:Money">
>                         <n2:microAmount>86666</n2:microAmount>
>                   </n2:amount>
>                 </n2:maxCpc>
>           </n2:bids>
>         </n2:operand>
>   </n2:operations>
> Any ideas (Ruby API)?

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