Hi Hans,

It isn't documented clearly, but a Demographic report must contain the
column DemographicAge and/or DemographicGender in addition to the
required columns listed.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Aug 10, 3:34 am, Hans <h.dub...@yonego.nl> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to create a demografic report using the adwords API. But it
> keeps coming back invalid from the validator.
> I think that the problem is in the aggregation types. Since the
> adgroup, account and many others do work and are generated by the same
> code. In the demographic report there are two aggregation types.
> Account, Daily for example. I have tried multiple variations
> formatting the aggregation types. ['Campaign', 'Daily'] like the api
> docs says and so on.
> I'm completely stuck on this one. Hope you can help me on this one.
> So this is the XML I'm sending :
> ======== Headers =========
> <email>** OUR MCC EMAIL **</email>
> <password>** OUR password **</password>
> <clientEmail>** Client Adwords email **</clientEmail>
> <useragent>** OUR useragent**</useragent>
> <developerToken>** OUR token **</developerToken>
> <applicationToken>** OUR token **</applicationToken>
> ======== XML Account, Daily =========
> <job xmlns:impl='https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/v13'
> xsi:type='impl:DefinedReportJob'>
>         <selectedReportType>Demographic</selectedReportType>
>         <name>Hans zijn report</name>
>         <aggregationTypes>Account</aggregationTypes>
>         <aggregationTypes>Yearly</aggregationTypes>
>         <startDay>2010-05-17</startDay>
>         <endDay>2010-05-26</endDay>
>         <selectedColumns>CustomerName</selectedColumns>
>         <selectedColumns>CPC</selectedColumns>
> </job>
> ======== Response =============
> Fault: 1
> Code: soapenv:Server.userException
> String: One or more report job parameters is invalid.
> Detail:
> ======== XML Campaign, Daily =========
> <job xmlns:impl='https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/v13'
> xsi:type='impl:DefinedReportJob'>
>         <selectedReportType>Demographic</selectedReportType>
>         <name>hg</name>
>         <aggregationTypes>Campaign</aggregationTypes>
>         <aggregationTypes>Daily</aggregationTypes>
>         <startDay>2010-08-02</startDay>
>         <endDay>2010-08-06</endDay>
>         <selectedColumns>Campaign</selectedColumns>
>         <selectedColumns>CPC</selectedColumns>
>         <selectedColumns>CPM</selectedColumns>
>         <selectedColumns>CTR</selectedColumns>
> </job>
> ======== Response =============
> Fault: 1
> Code: soapenv:Server.generalException
> String: An internal error has occurred.  Please retry your request.
> Detail:
> Kind regards,
> Hans

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